Friday, November 6, 2009

Should we give money to poor ppl?


Ramadan is the month of giving and benevolence, the Messenger was more benevolent than a falling rain. Muslims are encouraged to emulate the Messenger of Allah (saas), to assess and pay their Zakaat during the month of Ramadan, thus combining the two pillars of Islam at the same time.

Zakaat (alms) is the name of what a believer returns out of his or her wealth to the neediest of Muslims for the sake of the Almighty Allah. It is called Zakaat because the word Zakaat is from Zakaa which means, to increase, purify and bless.

Who Should Give Zakaat

The obligation of Zakaat is mandatory on every Muslim who possesses the minimum Nisaab, whether the person is man, woman, young, old sane or insane. Because the proof of Zakaat in Al-Qur`an and Sunnah is general and does not exclude young or insane. Allah (SWT) stated that: "Of their goods take alms so that thou mightiest purify and sanctify them..." (Al-Qur`an, 9: 103)

Imam Ibn Hazim said that every Muslim young or old sane or insane needs to cleanse his or her wealth with Zakaat because of generality of the evidence. Anas bin Malik reported that the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "Trade with the money of the orphan, lest it is eaten up by Zakaat." (At-Tabraani) In another Hadith `Amru bin Shuaib related from his grandfather that the Messenger of Allah said:

"Whoever is entrusted with money of an orphan should trade with it and should not leave it sitting to be used up by charity." (Tirmidhi)

The point of reference in these reports is that the Messenger (saas) urged the trustee on the estate of people who due to age or other reasons cannot manage their own financial affairs, to invest it in a business that will yield a return and make it grow until they are in a position to do so themselves. For, if proper investment is not made with an ophan's inheritance, it will be depleted by charity, thus leaving the orphan with little or nothing.

The Nisaab

The Lawgiver, Allah has prescribed the minimum amount that is obligatory for Zakaat in different ranges of properties, and that minimum amount is known as nisaab. The reason for nisaab is to ensure that no one is forced to give Zakaat out of what he or she does not have, and that no wealth goes without Zakaat. Nisaab is also an insurance against the tyranny of the state to tax the poor and or the neediest as is the case in many countries. Nisaab is a reference point for the average Muslim who is not sure whether he possesses the minimum wealth on which Zakaat is obligatory. The wealthy need not worry about the Nisaab. Zakaat is obligatory on their entire wealth and must be paid out at the end of financial year that they set for their Zakaat.

The Nisaab will not be valid unless it fulfills two conditions:

1) The amount that has reached Nisaab must be the excess or surplus known as "faadil" from one's essential needs such as food, clothing, housing, vehicles, tools and machinery that is used in business. The essentials for living are exempted from Zakaat.

Although what constitutes nisaab may change from one country to another, the amount that is needed for the basic needs of living in different countries is very similar, because the market place determines the prices, whether it is an official market or a non-official market. In the poorest countries people do without or live below the poverty standard, and that is why many go hungry or without basic essentials.

However, we must realize that Zakaat is an act of worship (ebadah) like Salaat. The element of intention (niyyah) is necessary, and we should not overly rely on state agencies to determine for us the requirements of our religious duty. The so called the "consumption basket" (that is poverty level as determined the social security administration which are updated every fiscal year) may not be the same as what Islam considers minimum Nisaab.

In the industrialized countries, the consumption basket may include items that are not necessarily essential, such as entertainment, extra clothing, variety of food, eating in restaurant or eating at home, owning more than one car as opposed to having three cars in the driveway, drinking water as opposed to juices, eating regular food or special "health" food. This is why I believe it is essential that we do not lose site of the fact that Zakaat is ebadah of wealth, like salaat and fasting. Non Muslims may consider all the things mentioned above as essentials while Muslims will not. Indeed, no Muslims in good standing will attempt to hide behind the label of consumption basket so as to evade Zakaat.

Nisaab eliminates the possibility of injustice or unfair treatment of the Zakaat payer. To suggest that if we do not follow the rules of International Monetary Fund or the arbitrary figures of social security administration or department of agriculture we will be doing injustice to the Zakaat payer is ludicrous.

2) Nisaab must mature, that is the money is not liable for Zakaat unless it has remained a full year in the possession of a person. This is the understanding of the majority of the scholars. Imam Abu Hanifah (raa) said: "What should be considered is the existence of nisaab at the beginning and the end of the Zakaat year set by the payer". It does not matter if the nisaab money increases or decreases during the calendar year, as we will explain later.

This condition does not include farm produce, for it is due on the day it is harvested. Allah (SWT) stated: "... But render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered..." (Al-Qur`an, 6: 141) According to Imam Al-`Abadi, (raa) Zakaat money is of two kinds: one that by its nature can not be invested and Zakaat of this category is due on the day of harvest. This includes all the farm produce that is liable for Zakaat. The other is wealth that can be invested in the hope of a good return, like cash, gold or silver, because the opportunity is there that cash in one's hand can be invested for a good return. This includes currency investment, merchandise and livestock. Their Zakaat is not due until they have matured in one full year.

The proof of this condition is the Hadith related by Ibn `Umar that the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "He who acquires property is not liable for Zakaat on it till a year passes." According to Ibn Rushd (raa) this is the understanding of the majority of scholars, including the four rightly guided Khalifahs.

Zakaat Of Salaries

The condition of yearly term maturity applies to the commodities on which the Lawgiver said Zakaat is due, and this includes silver, gold, modern paper currency and livestock. Paper currency is analogous to silver, therefore, it takes the case of silver. There is no Zakaat on salary, earned income from wage earners or professionals or independent contractors until such money matures in a full year. There is no such thing as paying your Zakaat on the day you receive your paycheck. What the wage earner must know is that he or she can purify that money with charity (sadaqah) anytime they cash the paycheck. Allah (SWT) states: "And in their wealth and possessions (was remembered) the right of the needy, he who asks and he who (for some reason) was prevented (from asking)." (Al-Qur`an, 51: 19).

We can deduce from the concept of "yearly maturity" of wealth on which Zakaat is due as encouraging, among other things, saving on the part of the Zakaat payer, and enhances the chances for eradicating poverty, because if the poor receives his rightful share of Zakaat there will be the possibility that he can take Zakaat money and invest it and become a Zakaat payer instead of recipient. This possibility will be lost if he receives few Zakaat dollars every month. To say that the wage earner just brings his check home and spends everything on necessities and lives from check to check with nothing left over means the person is eligible for Zakaat.

Using farm produce as analogous to salary for Zakaat is wrong analogy. As Imam Al-`Abadi said, these are two different categories of money. $2, 500.00 cash can be invested by the person and expect a good return whereas it will be difficult to invest a bushel of corn. It can be traded as a commodity, which is what it is. This why we must know that analogy has rules that must be followed before it is applied. Certainly the jurists are unanimous that earned income, known as almal al-mustafadah, should either be added to existing money and wait until that amount reaches maturity and then give their Zakaat; or if there is no money on hand the time one possesses this money, he or she should wait one full year before assessing it for Zakaat.

Zakaat is one of the five pillars of Islam and a vital element in the religion of Islam. It is the twin sister of Salaat. In Al-Qur`an, Allah (SWT) stated: "So establish regular Prayer and give regular Alms; and obey the Messenger; that you may receive mercy." (Al-Qur`an, 24: 56) Also, "...Establish regular Prayer and give regular Alms, and loan to Allah a beautiful loan...." (Al-Qur`an, 73: 20) "And they have been commanded no more than this: to worship Allah, offering Him sincere devotion, being true (in faith); to establish regular Prayer and to practice regular charity; and that is the religion right and straight." (Al-Qur`an, 98: 5)

In a famous Hadith reported by `Umar Bin Khattab (raa), the Messenger of Allah (saas) responded to Jibreel (as) and said: "... Islam is to testify that there is no deity but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to perform the prayer, to pay Zakaat, to observe fasting in Ramadan, and to make pilgrimage to the house of Allah if you are able to do os...." (Bukhari, Muslim)

There is consensus among Muslim scholars that it is mandatory on every believer who is financially able. Whoever knowingly denies this obligation, while he possesses the minimum amount, would be considered a disbeliever and a renegade from Islam. Whoever is stingy, or tries to cheat, is considered among the wrongdoers. Zakaat is mandatory on four categories of items.

1. Farm produce of seeds and fruits, such as wheat, barley, rice, dates, raisins, cocoa, pistachios, coffee, cashews. Allah (SWT) stated: "O you who believe, give of the good things which you have (honorably) earned, and of the fruits of the earth which We have produced for you..." (Al-Qur`an, 2: 267) Also: "... But render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered..." (Al-Qur`an, 6: 141) Thus, these two verses and many others indicate that Zakaat is due on farm products that reached the minimum amount (nisaab). No farm product is liable for Zakaat unless it is a product that is considered as food and can be stocked or saved naturally without refrigeration. If the produce is perishable fruit, such as grapes, there is no Zakaat. But if one sells them they will pay their Zakaat on the profit earned when it matures.

The nisaab is 612 kilos, which equals 1,346.40 lb. There is no Zakaat on produce that is less than this amount. If the farm produce or crops grow dependant on rainwater, or without any man's labor or irrigation, Zakaat due is one-tenth of the total. If it is grown by irrigation, then the Zakaat due is half of one-tenth of the total produce. There is no Zakaat on fruits like apples or oranges or vegetables which are perishable and need refrigeration for long storage, but they should be considered as any income if the profit earned from their sale reaches the amount of Zakaat, then Zakaat should be given.

2. Cattle, including camels, cows, sheep and goats, that are freely graze and are raised for trade and production. For Zakaat to be obligatory, the number must reach the nisaab. The nisaab of camels is five, of cows 30, of sheep and goats, 40. By freely grazing is meant the animal goes out to feed without the owner buying or bringing it feed or hay. If it is not a grazing animal, there is no Zakaat in the stock by itself. The stock will, however, be considered as articles of trade, then will be assessed for Zakaat as articles of trade when the profit earned from their sale reaches the amount by itself or in combination with other articles of the trade.

3. Merchandise and goods of trade and commerce. This includes anything that is obtained for the business of buying and selling: land, animals, food provisions, fabric, cars, spare parts, etc. This inventory is evaluated annually and assessed for Zakaat, whether the value is the same as the amount spent on it, more, or less. The owners of grocery stores, like any other business, must evaluate every item and give their Zakaat. Simple bookkeeping of inventory, orders, cash on hand, and credits, that is non-delinquent loans, will give one a good picture of the zakaatable assets. But if one is unable to account for everything in the store or shop, he should assess it according to his ability until he is sure that his conscience is clear.

There is no Zakaat on what is within one's dwelling or property which includes food, drinks, furniture, houses, animals, cars, clothes and shoes. The only exception is gold and silver. There is no Zakaat on assets from rentals or lease, whether they are apartment units, taxi cabs, etc. That is, there is no Zakaat on the apartment units, buses or cars for rental like yellow cabs company or trucks for rental or equipments. But there is Zakaat on the proceeds or incomes from these rental assets if these assets reach the executable amount, either by themselves or in combination with other assets.

Business Activities

Many scholars are of the opinion that any business activity that brings any return to the entrepreneur or investor should be assessed for Zakaat. If the activity has a prescribed nisaab, such as gold, silver or paper currency, that nisaab is applied for Zakaat. But if the business has no declared nisaab, its nisaab is the nisaab of commerce, one reason being that most business activities are considered as commerce and because, in actual fact, it is not factitious business name, such as GM, Apple or GE that is taxed for Zakaat, it is the individual investor. We do not tax cooperations such IBM, Apple, GM or Rajihy Bank but the individual investors, share holders and owners of these corporations.

Indeed, there are enough rules in Zakaat books to cover all types of business activity, be it cash or risk investment. If the business activity is analogous to commerce, it should be assessed the same rate as commerce. To subject the business to a different Zakaat rate of 10%, which is the rate of farm products instead of its correct rate of 2.5%, the rate of commerce, is unfair and unjustified. Besides, there is no proof, even a weak one, to justify this unfair arbitrary taxation. The difference between 2.5% and 10% is high. The Zakaat system is not like a state revenue collection, but Allah's `ebadah. However, if a business person decides to give more than 2.5% after deducting all the expenses including depreciation, Allah (SWT) will accept it from him.

4. Gold and silver, whether used for commerce or jewelry. Allah (SWT) states: "...And there are those who bury gold and silver and spend it not in the way of Allah: announce unto them a most grievous penalty. On the day when heat will be produced out of that (wealth) in the fire of hell, and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks and their backs. This is the (treasure) which you buried for yourselves: taste you, then, the (treasures) you buried." (Al-Qur`an, 9: 34-35). By hoarding is meant refusal to give it in the path of Allah, which includes Zakaat.

In a hadith reported by Abu Hurairah (raa), the Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "For the owner or possessor of gold and silver who does not fulfill its obligation, on the Day of Resurrection it will be cast into sheets of fire and be branded on his forehead, side and back. Whenever it cools it is to be repeated for him in a day whose length is the length of fifty thousand years, until the judgement is rendered among the people." (Muslim). By its obligation is meant assessing it for Zakaat. In another version: "No possessor of a treasure who does not give its Zakaat."

Zakaat is mandatory in gold and silver, irrespective of its form: in coins, raw or nugget, or jewelry for wearing, or for rent, because of the generality of evidence of Zakaat without any detail. In a report by Abdullah bin `Amr bin `Aas (raa), he related that a woman came to the Messenger of Allah with her daughter. On the daughter's wrist were two heavy gold bracelets. The Messenger asked her, "Do you pay Zakaat on this?" She replied, "No." The Messenger said: "Would it please you that Allah will encircle you with two bracelets of fire?" The reporter commented that she took them off and threw them down in front of the Messenger, and said: "They are for Allah and his Messenger." (Ahmed, Tirmidhi).

The Messenger's wife reported that: "The Messenger entered into my house and saw in my hand a huge ring made of silver, so he asked, `What is this?' I replied, `I made them to beautify myself for you, O Messenger of Allah.' He inquired, `Do you give their Zakaat?' I said, `No,' or `Allah willing.' He said: `It will suffice you in the hellfire.'" (Abu Dawuud).

Zakaat is due on gold when it reaches the amount of (nisaab), which is 20 Dinaar. According to a hadith, the Messenger said: "No Zakaat on you is due until it reaches 20 dinaar." (Abu Dawud) The Islamic dinaar (currency) is one mithqal, a unit of weight which weighs four and one quarter of a gram. Thus, the nisaab is 85 grams. This is equal to $30.00 US dollars.

Similarly, there is no Zakaat on silver until it reaches five oqiyah, because the Messenger said: "There is no Zakaat on less then five oqiyah." (Muslim/Bukhari) Oqiyah is equal to forty Islamic dirhams. The nisaab is 200 dirhams. One dirham is equivalent to 595 grams. The zakaatable amount in both the gold and silver is a quarter of a tenth only.

Paper Currency

There is Zakaat on modern paper currency because it is equivalent to silver. During the early days of Islam, silver and gold were the currency of exchange minted into dirham for silver and dinaar for gold. Silver, not gold, had a larger circulation. Thus many scholars are of opinion that silver should be the standard for the paper currencies of today because that is more advantageous to the Zakaat payer, as it raises the minimum nisaab whereas gold lowers it. Although both metals are no longer circulated, they are still considered as a security against ever fluctuating paper money.

Silver should be used as a standard to assess Zakaat annually, not paper currency, even if the currency is hard currency like the US dollar, Yen and Deutch Mark or Pound Sterling. Because these currencies are backed by political decisions that may not have anything to do with the economy, the value and strength of this paper money depends largely on all haram usury system of interest rates.

Thus, the Zakaat payer should look up in the local newspaper's financial or business section for the price of silver which is currently about $3.82. per ounce. The nisaab, then, is 596 x .04=28.80 ounce multiplied by$3.82= 90.91. therefore. The nisaab is about $100.00, as of December 17, 1991.

The nisaab should be based on the market value of the currency. If the money is hard currency, there will be no problem, but if the money is a non-marketable currency, like most currencies in the third world countries, the nisaab should be based on the black market, which realistically reflects the value of the currency on the money market. In any case, the silver rate should be used to assess the Zakaat.

If the nisaab is determined, the zakaatable amount is 2.5%, or .025 multiplied by the amount. For instance, if the zakaatable amount is $56,000.00 it will be 56,000. x .025 = $1,400.00.

Zakaat is due on gold, silver, and or paper currency, whether it is cash in hand or credit in the hands of borrowers. Zakaat is due on debts or cost of merchandize or rental money. If the borrower is a wealthy person that you know will pay back the debt, the lender (that is Halaal lending free of usury) should include that money in the assessment and give its Zakaat. However, one can delay Zakaat on a loan until he receives payment, then return its Zakaat for the past years that he was unable to assess for Zakaat. If the borrower is poor or is refusing to pay the debt, there will be no Zakaat on the money until the lender receives the money. Then he will assess it for Zakaat of one past due year, but there will be no Zakaat in the years before that.

There is no Zakaat on precious stones such as diamonds, or metals such uranium, regardless of their value. Gold and silver, of course are assessed for Zakaat. However, if a person possesses any of these stones or metals, he should give their Zakaat like any other articles of trade. If a person possesses diamonds or any other precious stones as an edge against inflation or for ornaments, there will no Zakaat on these.

How To Give Zakaat

Zakaat may be assessed and returned in two ways:

a) Make a record of all money earned, either daily or monthly, which has reached the nisaab and remains in the treasury. The Zakaat of that money would be due one year later on the same day the money was earned and reached nisaab. This means every month's income must be set aside and assessed for Zakaat and so will be the case for the rest of the months. For instance, the income of January, 1991 will be assessed for Zakaat in January, 1992, and the income of February, 1991 will be assessed for Zakaat in February 1992, etc. This method of assessing Zakaat is very difficult because it entails complete bookkeeping of daily or monthly earnings.

b) The best way is to set a day or a month, preferably Ramadan, for your annual Zakaat return calendar, say Ramadan 1st, 1412. One year later on the same day Ramadan, 1413, your Zakaat is due and payable. Whatever is in the savings is due for Zakaat, regardless of whether all the amount in the savings reaches a year or not. For instance: if you have $20,000.00 in the savings account on the 1st of Ramadan, 1412 and one year later by the 1st of Ramadan, 1413 there is $50, 000.00, your Zakaat will be assessed for $50,000.00, that is: $50.000.00 x .025= $1,250.00. If, on the other hand, by the 1st of Ramadan, 1413 the amount in the savings is $15,000.00, your Zakaat will be for the amount in the savings, that is $15,000.00 x .025= $375.00. This method is the best because it is easy to assess, meets one's obligation and relieve one's conscience.

The Recipient Of Zakaat

Knowing who qualifies as recipient of Zakaat is an important aspect of Zakaat collection in Islam. Fortunately, Allah (SWT) has been merciful to us in that He Himself spelled out the people eligible to receive Zakaat. In Surah Tawbah He stated:

"Alms are for the poor and the needy; and those employed to administer (the funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom." (Al-Qur`an, 9: 60) In this verse Allah enumerated the people who deserve this divine welfare, and they are as follows:

The poor and the needy. These are individuals, and those under their care, to live on. By the poor and needy is meant the people whose income or salaries, or whatever material goods they have, fall short of the cost of living in a given environment and economy. The poor and the needy should be given what will suffice them and their families for one full year. The needy who want to get married and have no means should be given enough for this purpose, and so, too, the student who needs money for tuition, rent, food, and books. The working poor should be given supplementary Zakaat. But the wealthy, or any person with enough income to live on should not be given Zakaat, even if they asked for it. Instead, they should be warned and admonished for asking for what does not belong to them.

In a hadith reported by Abdullah bin `Umar, the Messenger of Allah (saas) stated: "A man keeps on asking others for something till he comes on the day of Resurrection without any piece of flesh on his face." (Bukhari/Muslim). This hadith indicates a humiliating appearance before Allah (SWT) that awaits a person who asks illegally.

Some said: this hadith implies Allah will punish a person with the very limb, the face, that he used to impress on others to give him their money unlawfully.

In another hadith reported by Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah said: "Whoever asks people for their money so as to get rich, he is asking for flames of fire. It is up to him to ask for more or less (he should beware)." (Muslim) This hadith indicates the severity of the punishment, the more one asks the more punishment, the less one asks the less the punishment.

In another hadith, reported by Hakeem bin Hizaam said: I begged the Messenger of Allah and he gave me. I begged again, and he gave me. I begged again and he gave me. He then said: "This money is green and sweet; he who receives it from people with a cheerful heart, Allah will bless him in it; he who receives it, with an avaricious mind would not be blessed in it. He will be like the person who eats without being satisfied; and the upper hand is better than the lower hand" (Muslim)

This hadith gave an analogy between money and green, ripened fruit that people love to eat. Thus, it indicates that both are greatly loved but easily finished. For money that is easy come easy go, one must be careful about the punishment that awaits the illegal eater. If a person asks for Zakaat and there are no signs of wealth, and he does not know that he should not ask, or a person who is well and able, who can work, but does not; if these people do not know that it is not permissible for them to ask, it may be given anyway.

In a hadith reported by Ahmed, Abu Dawud, and Nasa'e, two men came to the Messenger of Allah (saas) and asked for Zakaat. He looked at them closely and found them strong and able, he said, "If you want I will give you. But you should know that the wealthy or an able person who can work has no share in Zakaat" (Ahmad)

Those who administer the Zakaat department, assigning people for collecting, bookkeeping, making lists of people eligible for Zakaat, and a financial calendar. These people will receive Zakaat as compensation for their work, even if they are wealthy. This does not include a person who works as an agent for one or two wealthy people to take Zakaat for himself. They should donate their time for Zakaat disbursement and do it with honesty and truthfulness. If they can not, they should be paid or rewarded for their time. In a hadith related by Abu Musa Al-Ashi`ari (raa), the Messenger of Allah said: "A trustworthy Muslim executor is the one who executes completely what has been entrusted to him of Zakaat money in good faith." (Bukhari)

That is, he will give the Zakaat money to any of the eligible recipients of Zakaat. He should carry on the duty voluntarily, but if he can not distribute the money without being paid, the Zakaat payer should pay him for his work. The payment for the service of distributing Zakaat should not come out of Zakaat money.

The new converts to Islam whose hearts we want to harmonize into the fold of Islam, either because their faith is weak or we are afraid of their being harmed, should be given Zakaat to strengthen their Iman or until we no longer fear their harm.

The bonds person who has contracted with his master to buy himself out of bondage deserve Zakaat and should be given enough to pay off their debt to the master and be freed themselves; similarly, Muslim prisoners of war if their freedom is tied to monetary payment, deserve Zakaat sufficient enough to secure their release.

On the other hand, if a pearson accidently killed someone and have no means to pay off the blood money, he should be helped from Zakaat funds.

The people in debt are of two kinds:

(A) The guarantor, who takes the responsibility of someone else's debt so as to reconcile the two warring parties, to extinguish the fire of fitnah between them. If the person requests Zakaat money to pay off this debt he should be given it, which will encourage him to continue in this noble cause.

In a hadith reported by Qubaysah Al-Hilaaly (raa), he said I was under debt (hamaalah) and I came to the Messenger (saas) and begged him to help me pay it off. The Messenger told him: "Wait until we receive charity, so we will command that it be given to you." However, the Messenger stated: "O Qubaysah, begging is not permitted except for one of three categories of people:

A man who has incurred debt (as guarantor to reconcile blood wit) for him begging is permissible till he pays that off, after which he must stop it; a man whose property has been destroyed by calamity which has smitten him; for him begging is permissible till he gets what will support life or will provide him reasonable subsistence; and a man who has been smitten by poverty, the genuineness of which should be confirmed by three knowledgeable members of his people; for him begging is permissible till he gets what will support him, or will provide him subsistence. Besides these three, Qubaysah, begging is forbidden for every other persons, and one who engages in such consumes that which is forbidden." (Muslim)

(B) Whoever incurs debt and has no money to pay it back will be given from Zakaat to help pay his debt, whether the amount is large or small; or his creditor should be paid directly on his behalf, so long as it is paid off.

Zakaat can be given in the path of Allah. By this is meant to finance a Jihad effort in the path of Allah, not for Jihad for other reasons. The fighter (mujahid) will be given as salary what will be enough for him. If he needs to buy arms or some other supplies related to the war effort, Zakaat money should be used provided the effort is to raise the banner of Islam.

The wayfarer. This is the traveller who in a strange land runs out of money. He or she deserves Zakaat, enough money to take him back to his country, even if he is wealthy and can find someone to loan him the money. On his part, he should take with him on his trip sufficient money, if he is wealthy, so that he will not need Zakaat. Zakaat money can not be used to pay off other obligations, such as giving Zakaat money to people you are obligated to take care of by law; or Zakaat money can not be used to pay for hotel and food expenses.

It is, however, permissible to give Zakaat to a wife or family member, provided it is not part of their daily living expense money, but is needed to pay off a debt for one's wife if she can not pay it. So is the case for one's parents if they can not pay their debt.

Zakaat money may be given to members of the family for their expenses if one is not obligated to take care of them financially. The wife can pay off a debt of her husband with Zakaat money, because he may be among the eight eligible recipients and she is not obligated to spend on him as he is on her.

The eight eligible recipients of Zakaat can be denied their right to Zakaat without proof from Al-Qur`an or Sunnah. In a hadith reported by Ibn Mas`ud, his wife Zaynab heard the Messenger of Allah order women to give Zakaat, so she asked the Messenger (saas): " O Messenger of Allah, you commanded us to give Zakaat, and I have jewelry that I wanted to assess for Zakaat, but my husband Abdullah bin Mas`ud claimed that his son deserves it more than anyone." The Messenger replied: Your husband Ibn Mas`ud is right. Your son deserves your charity more than anyone." In another hadith reported by Salman bin `Aamir, he said the Messenger of Allah said: " Charity to the poor is only charity, but charity to the rest of kind is charity and maintenance of relations (sillah)." (Nisaee)

No loan should be written off as Zakaat because Zakaat is taken and given. Allah (SWT) said: "Of their goods take alms...." (Al-Qur`an, 9: 103) And in a Hadith the Messenger has been reported as saying: "Allah has mandated on you Zakaat to be taken from the wealthy and to be given to the poor." Thus, writing off debt is not taken. For instance, If you loan a person money, you can not write off that loan as a Zakaat. However, it could be written off as sadaqah charity. Furthermore, loan, delinquent or not, is considered an absent money, therefore, it should not be transacted in Zakaat. for Zakaat is assessed only in cash in hand. Besides, debt money is valued less than cash in the hand, and using that money for alms is like exchanging good money for bad.

The assessor of alms should try to give his Zakaat to an eligible person, but if he makes a mistake and gives it to an ineligible person it is accepted. In a hadith related by Abu Hurairah, he said the Messenger said:

"A man expressed his intention to give charity, so he came with his charity and placed it in the hand of an adulteress. In the morning the people were talking and saying charity was given to an adulteress last night. The donor said: O Allah, to thee be the Praise - charity to an adulteress! He then again expressed his intention to give charity, so he went out with it and placed it in the hand of a rich person. In the morning the people were talking and saying charity was given to a rich person. The donor said, O Allah to You be the praise - charity to a rich man! He then expressed his intention to give charity, so he went out with his charity and placed it in the hand of a thief. In the morning the people were talking and saying charity to the thief. So the man said, O Allah to You be the praise (what a misfortune that charity has been given) to the adulteress, the rich and the thief! Then someone came to him and told him your charity has been accepted. As for the adulteress the charity might become the means whereby she might restrain from fornication. The rich man might perhaps learn a lesson and spend from what Allah has given him, and the thief might thereby restrain from committing theft. (Muslim/ Bukhari)

Should we give money to poor ppl?
The answer is: YES

Please do not mind but I--and many other readers--- would nave preferred a shorter, more concise, question

Thank you for drawing our attention to to the need for giving in charity.
Reply:Check 1--- Check 2, we already are
Reply:While I agree with the basis of the concept of CHARITY, I dont need a listing of DOGMA to point out the importance of it. To show charity is to show we are human and have compassion for our fellows. I have on many occasions taken the homeless into my home and helped them to get back on their feet. I dont need a "HOLIDAY" to tell me that I have to do it. Sometimes it has take a yrs or more to assist them. Sometimes, they dont want to make the effort to help themselves. Either way I MADE the effort. I dont need an Inman, priest or rabbi to tell me my obligation to my fellow man.

BTW, Only once did they take what was not offered. They took money or property that was not offered freely. I foreited well over $10,000 over the last 20 yrs in cash not to mention the food and lodging. I dont care about that. I have recieved my reward in the one's that made it and went on to repay it by helping others. Most of the losses where emotional, very few were materiel.
Reply:Is there a Reader's Digest or "edited for television" version of your question? You had me in earnest for about three paragraphs, then my brain started malfunctioning and eventually turned to liquid and ran out of my ears.

Could it be that you weren't really asking a question? Could it be that you were, instead, rather forcefully asserting your opinion, and you don't give a flying hoot what anybody answers?

Your alleged question: "Should we be charitable?"

My brief answer: "Yes."

You might win more converts to your faith (you're pretty obviously recruiting, here) if you made the subject more approachable. I like to at least try to be open minded, but, man...
Reply:if you have spare change......why not?............
Reply:I wish I had the time to read your long thesis. Can you just post a website for those who are interested?

From now on, I will neglect all those cut and paste articles. You are getting boring now...can't you see?
Reply:Listen don't care what your believes our we should help someone if you have the opportunity and have the desire too. We should why not is the better question Jesus was all for it and so should we . Because no matter what anyone says he is the son of GOD whether some will believe it or not .


Why do kids throw shoes over power lines?

I've heard it's a gang sign, but they're popping up in my grandpa's upper class white neighborhood. What's that about?

Why do kids throw shoes over power lines?
Someone in the neighbourhood is dealing.

The shoes in the lines are a sign of a dealer nearby. The more shoes the more customers he has. Get him to contact cops, being upper class area they might actually look into it.

Prolly spot meth heads walking in and out of the area.
Reply:in america there's a few trees that are covered in shoes. I saw it on the net. Its actually pretty cool - someone must have thrown one pair, and people just kept piling them on!!

I'm not sure what it means? Bored kids???
Reply:they are having fun. If its adults doing it though it just means they sell drugs somewhere there


Does anyone remember the shoes Treds?

They were made of soft suede upper (usually two tone) and the soles were made of tyres. They were around in to 70's and 80's. Would love to find them again as they were such good comfortable shoes and never wore out. Everything from the 70's is coming back, why not treds???

Does anyone remember the shoes Treds?
how do you think of this one ?

maintenance repairs

What should a dad do to help a daughter who has chosen a life style that will only lead to heartache?

She is 24 very cute and will graduate from college in Dec. 2007. Dresses more like a boy, nothing but jeans, converse tennis shoes, wallet chain, etc. Tattoos on both wrists and on on her upper left arm, Words not art. Hangs out with nothing but recovering alcoholics and drug addics.

She told her younger brother that she no longer believes that Jesus is her Saviour and Son of God although she was president of her church youth group in High School. I feel that our mistakes as parents was allowing her to hang out with kids we did not know early on and allowing her to attend a very liberal college her freshman and sophmore years,

I do not want to stop her from growing up, I just want to give her a chance to grow up to be a happy Christian wife and mother.

Her mother and I love her very much and believe she needs to attend some kind program that will remind her that she is a Christian girl and build her self-esteem and dreams for her future.

What should a dad do to help a daughter who has chosen a life style that will only lead to heartache?
You may have to let her choose her path and learn from her mistakes herself.

If she has been raised in a Christian home and she has experienced the good that church brings then she will come back to it.

It is no different than a young teen being rebellious and making territorial boundaries. They do it but in the end they come back to the good that their parents instilled in them.

If they don't then it is not because you did not try. That is all that is important for you to remember.

You continue to pray and ask God to guide her. You know he will, it will just be up to her to walk through the doors he opens for her.

If she is a mother then you watch closely to make sure the children are not being negatively influenced.

And, pray.
Reply:Okay Dad, this is it. As a former rebel myself (right on down to dabbling in witchcraft and same-sex tendencies), the only thing you can do for your daughter is to give her to the Lord. Pray for her constantly, let her know that you still love her no matter what, and DO NOT PRESSURE her. If you push her, all you will end up doing is pushing her away. If she is doing any of this out of rebellion, you will only prolong it by giving her something to rebel against. Just pray, and trust in the Lord with all your heart, allow him to comfort you, and your daughter will heal in time.

Exodus 14:14 "And the Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." So why do you think he won't fight for your daughter? Trust in him, my friend, she will come around in His time, when he is ready to reach out for her and she is ready to come back into the forgiving fold of His love.
Reply:wow, my advice would to pray for her day and night and to put her in God's hands....
Reply:i don't think it would be smart to try to choose what she believes in. i mean i totaly agree you need to get her to stop hangin out with the people she discribed. but you can't choose her beliefs, she will resent you. take it one step at a time, don't presure her about beliefs, first get her away from her friends then you have to let her make her own decisions. she may just have to make a few mistakes before she comes around, con't me angry at her or things like atht, and don't blame yourself.
Reply:God's word says train your child in the way they shall go and they will not depart from it...That does not mean that they wont test everything they were taught to find their identity.. Rebellion is the key here really and she will have to sift and sort through her own life at this stage in the game...Your job is to be supportive but not totally tolerant in what she is doing but honest and loving like a parent..If she was truly strong in the Lord she will return to it she may just need to take some hard knocks to bring her back...Her characteris still being built no matter what! Let her fly dad and pray for her !
Reply:Generation gap
Reply:Never let her forget how much you love her. Don't push the issue. No matter what happens, let her know she is always welcome home no questions asked. She will come around when she realizes how lonely life is without your family. Please hang in there. Remember show your love without condemnation. Don't force your religion on her, when she's ready to come back she will. The more you force her, the further she will be.
Reply:My heart aches for you. There is nothing you can do but love her through it and lots and lots of prayer. You gave her the Christian foundation, sounds as if she had accepted Christ so now you must leave it up to her and God.

Not sure what else to say. Will remember you and her in my prayers.
Reply:not every girl wants to grow up to be her parents maybe to accept is better than forget be supportive it may be a personality thing she is fighting or just some one Trying to fit in and have some friends it is also about trust it may even be a rebellious thing for her she will come around but sometimes it takes an eye opener for that to happen hang in there.i have been there and well nothing is worse than thinking that u don't belong just let her know u r there for her and that no matter what she does ull love and support and help when she needs it.


Can you help me in identifying an antique doll ? She is Porcelain.?

Antique Porcelain,blonde,blue eyes,arms %26amp; legs attached with wire w / loops at ends, (? 1830's ), kinda chunky, good facial features , detail tailbone / top of butt ,approx.3-5 yr. old girl , a fancy (P15), on upper back, ,head and body = one piece w/ molded shoulder length blonde hair, brown buckle shoes,approx.5-6" tall, who made it ? what year? approx. value? answers to any or all questions very much appreciated !

Can you help me in identifying an antique doll ? She is Porcelain.?
There is no way of knowing that unless you find a mark...

Usually located either on the bottom of one of the feet or somewhere under the wig on the back of the head.

If it says 666... Throw it away immediately! ( Kidding... )

Unless you consult a doll specific antiques expert that knows dolls by feature and paint and quality of the porcelain... It is almost impossible for a regular collector to know without a mark.
Reply:look through eBay

google for information

consult a local toy, doll, hobby shop

consult a local antique store

It could be worth $30? or maybe more

Its most likely bisque and made in Germany

early 1900's

no pictures posted here, doesn't help

credot siosse

For Serious Soccer Players that know a lot about shoes...?

I am thinking about buying a pair of the adidas F50 Tunit Uppers and i wa just wondering, the place on the bottem where the studs go in a when you dont have the studs in like to just tren or casual wear. does the holes, are they open or what? Like if i wa wlking through water would my feet get wet because of the stud holes?

For Serious Soccer Players that know a lot about shoes...?
I have a pair of the new F50.8's and they are great. And they wont get wet, but i wouldnt reccomend doing that.

myspace quizzes

What accessories would go with this?

I'm wondering what accessories would look best with these clothes.

I'm wearing it for the first day of 8th grade.

We have uniforms shirts, which are just black or white with a tiger in the upper left corner.

But here are the pants I'm wearing, and the shoes. Also If you could give your opinion to what color shirt i should wear.. Black or White?

thanks. :D



Thank you!

What accessories would go with this?
Oh sweetheart. You're far too young to be getting sucked into that horrible trend. Be your own person, don't dress like every other 14 year old. It's not cute.
Reply:You should wear the white shirt. Im in the 8th grade too so yeah lol. But i think white would look good
Reply:wear the white shirt, and then get some cute bangles in black or white. then get a long necklace with a big charm on it or somthing. go to forever 21, they have the best jewelry.
Reply:with those clothes, id say wear the black shirt

those clothes are cute and if those clothes are comfy as well then wear it :D
Reply:if your going to wear that i would find some cute black and white bangles and maybe a cute larger pair of hoops in either black or white and i would wear the the white shirt
Reply:okay, those shoes and the jeans together are going to create a sporty look for you. if you don't want that i would suggest a pair of more girley flats (not sneaker flats) like from aeropostale or something. i would wear a black top, and one or two bangles on your arm and i think that should be it (you don't want to over-do it). if only you didn't have to wear the top then you could really rock this look however you wanted to, but since you can't i'd stick with it and the bangles

horses for loan

What type of shoes should I wear with this dress/to this dance -explaination inside-?

In a few months I have a school dance (not a prom), the first "wear a dress" one that I've gone to. According to my friend who is older than me and has gone to this dance before, girls really dress up......nice shoes, dress, make-up, up-dos, ect....but not as dressy as a prom. Well, I found a halter dress that goes just past the knee, has a small amount of barely noticable netting at the bottom, and is white with a floral (but not grandma floral) brown and salmon design, and a segment in the upper middle area is brown. The dress itself is fine, but what shoes should I wear with it? I found shoes here:

(it's the brown one that there isn't a picture of)

but I have a few questions. One are they reasonable/dressy enough for a dance? I can walk in them fine, and they match the dress. Also, what other shoes might you reccomend? heel height/style/ect

What type of shoes should I wear with this dress/to this dance -explaination inside-?
Go with a shoe that is a t-strap with minimal embellishments...

Here are a couple of ideas (the prices are high, so these are just suggestions on style):

These are my favorite because they are taupe...which compliments brown and coral....

Heel height is up to you, but considering the dress is just below the knee...I would go with atleast a 2 inch heel. If you are really tall...go with a kitten heel. No more than an inch.

Jewelry? NO...and I mean NO necklace. Halter styles are designed to bring the focus to your chest area and up. Don't break up the "flow" by adorning your neck. Instead, some simple earrings that dangle would be great. Look for earrings that have a little sparkle, but not overkill. Try and find a pair that incorporate the coloring in the dress. Maybe some beads or amber stones. A nice dangle of about 2 inches would be plenty. Bracelets are where you can have fun! Mix it up with a few bangles.

Hope this helps!!

P.S....the shoes you picked out are really cute and go with it if you feel comfortable in them. I just wanted to give you a few alternatives. GOOD LUCK!
Reply:That shoe is gorgeous and is dressy enough. If u go for strappy high heels you would look like you are going to the prom. Anyway for the jewelry i would not wear a necklace but i would wear a bracelet and earrings.
Reply:it's a dance so make sure you can dance in the shoes you get.
Reply:Can you upload a picture of your dress or find one online that's similar? The shoes from Khol's look more suitable for a day out strolling on the pier than a night time gala.

How about any of these?

And if you're wearing a brown dress you could always go for a gold tone like this:

Too matchy matchy is no good.

As far as jewelry goes, I'd go with some nice dangly earrings. Skip the necklace. Halters don't work well with necklaces since they rub against the dress in the back and they will compete with the the halter's line around your neck. Too complicated.
Reply:The dress sounds cute and I think the shoes you chose would look great. Not to dressy but not overly casual. Shoes like that can look dressy or casual depending on what you wear with them. Another option is a cute wedge. As for jewelry, with a a halter neck some people say no necklace, it looks too busy, but I think a nice long double strand necklace would look great. Maybe a salmon color or even white/off-white. Add a few bangles, not to many, but since the dress code is more of a semi-formal be a little funky and fun with your jewelry, oh and you can rock it with a great pair of earrings. Halter dresses emphasize the length of your neck so you can wear a more dangly earring:

(in the right colors of course)

(again with the colors)

Next top it off with a great clutch in a bronze/chocolate brown color and some glitz to it:

Good luck, hope this helps! Have fun at the dance!
Reply:wel wid a holter dress i usually wear a small subtle necless and a few bracelets! for shoes i would wear ballet pumps or nice cute strappy highheals!

have fun!!
Reply:im too lazy to read and you should wear a black dress black shoes black pearls black clip for your hair and a black coat.
Reply:I wouldn't get the brown shoes actually. I'd get black. The shoes themselves are SO CUTE!! Since it's a halter don't wear a necklace, but wear some nice silver pink and brown bracelets. Some silver hoops would look cute. Definettly wear mascara, UR SKIN COLORED FOUNDATION, some sparkly powder (All over ur body), and some pink or brown eye shadow.
Reply:yes they are dressy enough and If I would recommend ne other dressy shoes I would say the high heels like looks like a pair of flip flops but there high heels. Good luck findin the right shoes.
Reply:Wow...i love those shoes!Maybe in white,since the dress has white,and no black. Brown would be good too.

If you can't get those shoes,wedges would be great.It's the new style,and they're very dressy,and would go great with a floral dress.Something like:

As for jewelry,I wouldn't wear a necklace because of the neckline halters have.

I would go for a bracelet!Maybe something like:

Bangles would go well. Or perhaps a more slinky bracelet you have at home.

Have fun at the dance!The dress sounds gorgeous=]
Reply:Go with a solid colored thick heel. Maybe the heels that have a bow on then they cover your front an d back but the middle is out that way u really don't have 2 paint u're toes. u can find this at any mall Rave, Macey's, Burlinton shoe facrtory, And Burlinton's coat factory.


What goes well with black shoes?

I am planning to buy completely black casual shoes. What trousers (I mean what color of trousers) would look good with them? I recently bought very dark blue jeans trousers. Will they look good with my new shoes? What abut a light blue jeans? In general: Are black shoes compatible with every other color (I've heard that black and white go well with everything)?

And if I wear very dark trousers and black shoes does the upper part of clothing has to be dark too? For example if I wear, such trousers and shoes and a dark brown or dark green hoodie (I always wear it unzipped) should I put on a dark t-shirt or will any color look fine?

I'm a 19 year old guy, if it matters. Casual style (as you've probably guessed), I don't like to show off with my clothing - I just want some color balance, nothing more.

What goes well with black shoes?
black goes with anything and everything.
Reply:anything you got
Reply:any color.
Reply:black goes with anything and everything.

visual arts

What is the ultimate set for Sniper in fighting in PVP in Ragnarok Online?

Items maybe with or without cards

I need the:

Headset (Upper, Middle and Lower)







Thanks! =)

What is the ultimate set for Sniper in fighting in PVP in Ragnarok Online?
hmmm... it would be hard without cards.. cards are essential for PKing...

Apple of archer for added dex...

gas mask ... anti-poison

+7/8/9/10 tights with ghost ring card or elemental resist cards

+7/8/910 immune or mocking muffler.. or elemental resist cards

+9 firelock boots... or +7 green boots

two pcs nimble gloves.... and a blast clip for annoying priests/champions who use pneuma...

+10 double bloody gakkung.... and status bows

all kinds of arrows...

you may also want to bring a +7/8/9/10 cranial guard.... or GTB guard if you have.... just for escape...

hmm... ghost ring card to weaken acid bomb and other neutral attacks.... poison resist to resist poison enchanted assassin cross... elemental resist to resist elemental converter users... and of course resist wizard skills


How do I maintain my Zoom Total 90 Supreme FG soccer cleats clean and looking new?

Here is a description of the shoes off of

A new way to become the MVP. The men's Nike Zoom Total 90 Supremacy FG is a serious soccer boot packed with high-performance features, like the ultra-fast and light Teijin synthetic leather upper and the featherweight TPU plate in the outsole that combines conical studs and blades for the ultimate traction and motion control. Let this shoe take your game to new places.

Off-center speed-lacing and an integrated tongue eliminates internal layers to provide optimal ball feel.

Contoured heel mirrors the anatomical foot form last to keep you in your shoes.

A high-density molded EVA sockliner with an integrated stabilizers supports, while a heel Zoom Air midsole unit provides enhanced cushioning for all your quick turns.

Innovative spinal structural bars deliver perfect support and stability in your play.

How do I maintain my Zoom Total 90 Supreme FG soccer cleats clean and looking new?
Clean them with a soft brush on the tops, and get a cleat brush for the bottom. Spray Febreeze into the cleats. Clean them after every use, don't let them sit with dirt, dust, or mud on them.


Major Experiment Help Please and thanks?

experiment was determine some of the factors (material type, color of the absorbing surface) that affect the absorption of heat energy.

The inside of a shoe box was insulated using Styrofoam and a thermometer was placed through a hole inside the box. 2 absorbing surfaces were made from aluminum foil. The upper surface of one sheet was painted black and the other left shiny. The following tests were then carried out.

A sheet of shiny aluminum was placed in the bottom of the box. The top of the box was covered with glass and the temperature of the air inside the box was recorded. The lamp was then turned on and the temperature was recorded after 3 minute.

The procedure was repeated, this time using the blackened aluminum as the absorbing surface. Three set of data were collected. One test was done with the glass cover, one without the glass cover and the third with a glass cover but at an angle of 45º.

Ok. so y is it that more heat is absorbed when aluminun is black and covered?

Major Experiment Help Please and thanks?
1) more heat is absorbed by the blackened aluminum because black absorbs heater better than all other colors or reflective surfaces.

2) more heat is MEASURED in the box when the box is covered because the heat can not escape from the box by convection - which is how most heat moves around in the earth's atmosphere.

we thing about radiation and conduction being the way heat moves around most, but it is really the convection that accounts for most heat movement, within our atmosphere.
Reply:firsty u should know that why do we see anything black it is because anything which looks black absorbes the light rays falling on it and due to this feature black absorbs heat with light

small business

How to lace my converses?[pic]?

i havee converse double upper lo shoes. they have two tounges. i was wondering how do you lace them, like in the picture?

How to lace my converses?[pic]?
Just lace them reguarly, just don't go the whole way up. Tie the remaining laces underneath the bottom tongue.
Reply:Well if you want the first tongue down then you would only lace them up like 3 times if you want the normal One tongue lace them up all the way
Reply:you just lace them regularly and tie the ends very very loose and put the tounges over the tie so it doesnt show.
Reply:due it like in prison and get rid of dem laces so you be lookin straight gutta ya dig?
Reply:like u lace anyother shoe!

fashion accessories

Does anyone else out there have a tightening feeling under their rt breast moving about daily. liver aera.?

while moving about normallly the feeling of sweezing in this area, only relieved by repositioning my upper body. i've had this for at least 4yrs doctors found nothing until recently. a sonograph showed some imflamation of the liver. i'm waiting to take blood test hopefully tomarrow. this pain/tightening has become more %26amp; more consistant lately. at one time it was if i bent down to tie my shoe or moved in other ways that seem to put strain to that area. i always know because, i have to change my position in order to relieve the the tight/sweezing feeling that i get in that area (liver)? it was described by my doctor as musclular, even after many compliants. i'm tired of this constant uncomfortable feeling. pls help!

Does anyone else out there have a tightening feeling under their rt breast moving about daily. liver aera.?
It may NOT be your 'liver' ... it could be your 'gall bladder' getting 'stones' that are causing the 'tightening and squeezing' feeling. Tell your doctor that you may need to have an 'ultrasound' done for gall stones ... I found this out only after the 'tightening/squeezing' I felt turned to 'vomiting' for 'no reason' and feeling 'sick' and then had to go to the hospital to have the 'vomiting and extreme pain' stopped with inrtavenous anti-vomiting medicine and a HUGE dose of morpine. My doctor is 'the best' but even he 'didn't know it was my 'gall bladder' until the 'hospital visit' ... and now I must have my gall bladder removed ... we can 'live without one' but if you have 'any odd feelings' on the right side' right at the bottom of the ribs or 'under the breast' then it COULD BE your gall bladder. Have it checked ...

website design

Are British and European teens as materialistic as American teens? Latest clothes, electronics (Ipods), cars?

I have been told that people in other countries in general are not as consumerist or materialistic about so much more petty things as those in the United States.

Teens here want the latest clothing from the most popular brands like Abercrombie %26amp; Fitch or American Eagle that normally costs something like ($100 jeans, $50 sweaters and $20 shirts, $100 shoes). Many upper middle class parents buy their daughters designer purposes that cost between $500 and $1000.

Then they get the latest electronics. Xbox, Playstation, Ipods, etc.

Then on their 16th birthday or when they turn 21 they may even get a new car or at least a car of some kind. And many do not work until they are 18.

Is it like this in other nations or are teens raised like me in the United States just overly spoiled? I know from personal observation that many many teens are spoiled as such, especially the clothing part because everyone wants to wear the latest brands.

Are British and European teens as materialistic as American teens? Latest clothes, electronics (Ipods), cars?
Do not speak for a nation or generation of youths in America. Not everybody wants to wear labels!!! We may come from the land of opportunity but not everybody has the opportunity to splurge on materialistic items. Even the lucky people that can afford luxury items may not be into buying in excess of material things.
Reply:From my experience in Romania, kids of rich people do that. I was a teacher in such a class and I saw them playing with cell phones in class. There is a craze about cell-phones in Romania. They were also kids who didn't care about school.

Now, not all rich daddy kids are like this. In depends of the interest and morality of their parents. Some parents were seriously interested about the education of their progenitors.

Now I live in a small city in Canada. Though it is a highly consumerist society-what are the malls for, after all- I disagree that they are materialistic. Teens here don't care so much, as you suggested, about their clothes. They are dressed casually. They might have the latest electronics but these gadgets are not so expensive after all. Well, they are not so expensive for Canadians but somebody living in poor country couldn't afford it.

For me as Romanian moving in Canada, the standard of life increased very much. How to explain? Having a car or even a house in Canada is not such an impossible task if you have a decent job. In Romania, that was an unachievable dream for a middle class person. To have your own car or house is a matter to be proud and shows that you do very well financially. In Canada, that is different, having these values is something common place.
Reply:i guess teenager from all around the world are the same. some maybe not as extreme as american but they are people like that in asia too.
Reply:british people cant even learn how to drive till 17 and licence at 18. Many british people i know are very materialistic and yet many arnt :):) like america

performing arts

Looking for Corduroy shoes?

Can anyone tell me where I can purchase a pair of corduroy shoes??? (that is, shoes made with corduroy uppers). Nothing fancy - ideally just plain corduroy. Slip-on or lace up. Does anyone know of a shop in London that might sell something like this, or alternatively an on-line shop?

Looking for Corduroy shoes?
get a time machine back to the 70's, they might be able to help there.
Reply:yea most old peple shops sell everything corduroy failin that try
Reply:They do some pumps in elys, wimbledon, can't remember the make right now but will edit if I remember, they were really nice too.

ROCKET DOG, although I can see any on there website


Is it weird if your best friends boyfriend touches you leg?

im not talking like knee, but upper thigh.

Once we were all at a concert and i asked my friend to tie my shoe and i held up my leg and didnt need any help, i wasnt falling, and he just grabbed my thigh to help hold it up

another time we were just talking and he touched my upper thigh..

is that normal?

Is it weird if your best friends boyfriend touches you leg?
if it happens again just let him know that its not cool, but until then just try to keep your distance and the peace.
Reply:no. tell him to back off and maybe you should tell you friend too.
Reply:it is not normal, he wants to feel u.

just be careful
Reply:it seems like hes into u
Reply:that all depends on how you feel about him, if you don't share his feeling's tell early and quickly the longer you let this go on he's just going to take it the wrong way and become more and more attached
Reply:BEST friends are hard to find. Wandering hands a dime a dozen
Reply:Tell him that you fell uncomfortable when he does that and if he would please stop that would be great!

Don't acuse him or tell your friend because he may not have meant it "like that" and you could end up making someone mad!

Good Luck!!!


Please answer mine!;...
Reply:dude was trying to coop a feel thats all
Reply:Is it just like opps or like a long touch like how many secs. Over under 5 sec. If it is over 5 sec he probly is doing some thig bad. I think you should tell your friend!!!
Reply:You must have really great legs and he wants to make a scarf out of them
Reply:no, just try to keep your distance from him. you don't want to end up being a homewrecker.
Reply:yes it is
Reply:sounds like he is hitting on you but if i was you i would ignore all that and if he tries to go further with you, tell your friend. hope that has helped!
Reply:No but neither is holding ur leg up and telling your friend to tie your shoe. Tie it yourself.
Reply:Hell naw thats not normal and you need to tell your bestfriend

home theater

What iz a good name for a female character in kingdom hearts?

i want it to do sumthin 2 do wit twilight or the sky in any way. i drew my own kh character, she has brown hair (little bit longer than kairi's but shorter than namine's), blue eyes. a black skirt (like kairi's uniform), 2 black braceletts on each wrist, a black choaker (kairi's 1st style in kh1), 1 black bracelette on each of her uppers arms and 1 on her right thigh. her white belly shirt has 1 strap. shoes r black and white. i wanted the name reimei which means twilight in japanese but my sister says it sounds weird for her name. thanks 4 helpin! ^-^ please put what the name means and how to pronounce it.

What iz a good name for a female character in kingdom hearts?
Hey if you like reimei then use it , she is your character not your sisters so you get to choose her name. Your sister can make her own character and call it by whatever name she likes. Stick with reimei it is cool....サージソルト・ソルトパック,黎明, REIMEIインターネットショッピング ... スタッフ販売レポートの日記公開中! REIMEI に対するご意見、ご質問等なんでもお聞き下さい!リニューアルいたしましたので、ぜひ... ... REIMEI


Can anyone do this Physics Question?

A child slides across a floor in a pair of rubber-soled shoes. The frictional force acting on each foot is 20.0 N. The footprint area of each shoe sole is 13.0 cm2, and the thickness of each sole is 5.00 mm. Find the horizontal distance by which the upper and lower surfaces of each sole are offset. The shear modulus of the rubber is 3.00 106 N/m2.

Can anyone do this Physics Question?
Yes, but that defeats the purpose of doing your own homework

games hardware

What should on wear on a field trip to a ..forest?lol????

next monday we are going to a forest/pond for science and my crush is in this class. we'll be there all day. i HAVE to look cute. we have to wear tennis shoes and long pants. she said to wear a longsleeve shirt and long pants. plus, this is upper michigan, its kinda cold anyway.

but yea, what shood i wear, we both play lacrosse

its cute


i dont know what to do

What should on wear on a field trip to a ..forest?lol????

wear something like this:

jeans (dark wash), converse or puma sneakers, and either a lacey cami or a t shirt with a light spring hoodie on top.

heres a sample outfit



t shirt:

shoes: (or brown low top converse)

you dont have to wear this exact outfit, but something similar would be really cute!
Reply:it's the forest so some nice long pants, socks, a hat, and a skirt that can breath. You can dress all of this up with your own style. have fun
Reply:somtin cte!

health care

Why Do Women Judge People By Their Shoes?

I was at the supermarket deli in an upper upper middle class area, and one woman ordered 1 lb. of baloney, and I remember thinking hmmm "what a tightwad." But then another woman turned around and looked at what she was wearing, and then looked down at her shoes. And I do remember women in college even telling me that they look at guys shoes -- but why? My friend makes at least double what I make -- despite that I make a pretty decent salary -- and he wears cheap shoes . . .

Why Do Women Judge People By Their Shoes?
it doesn't matter if you wear a cheap or an expensive shoes when i am on a public transportation i look at the peoples faces and think "oh she's pretty/ he's so handsome" then i look at their nails are they clean does it match their physical qualities then lastly the shoes are they clean or maybe shinny for me i like people who kept their shoes clean i guess just by looking at their shoes you can tell something about them we tend to forget the smallest details of our body and what we wear
Reply:Yeah, man, I've heard that too. And come to think of it I think many of them DO! Weird.
Reply:uhhhhh not me.....
Reply:sorry, but im not one of them....
Reply:They'd have to be very shallow and not worth messing with, anyway.
Reply:you can tell a person by the shoes they wear well i can at least
Reply:The ones that have any intelligence don't.
Reply:My friends all do that and beleive that it is right. Riding the Trains and Tubes in London one tends to know if someone has money by their shoes. If someone has money and lots of it, one tends to wear comfortable shoes and most times those shoes are expensive.

Reply:I hardly ever look at people's shoes and I'm a woman. That girl was probably just being a rich snob. I would wear guy's shoes if I liked them, but usually they're too big for my feet.
Reply:'cos shoes are so f*ckin 'em!!!!
Reply:yes the way u keep and handle with your shoes is the way u live ur life.if if u have messy kind of shoes then u live life in a messy way and viceversa
Reply:Woman Judge People by their shoes??
Reply:what if we all go bare foot? How would they judge us then?
Reply:I don't look at the shoes to tell if they have money or not....I look at the shoes to see what condition they're in.

If he has crappy looking shoes....he has a crappy life.
Reply:Not all women judge people by their shoes. Maybe some do...

but I dont. Why does it matter what kind of shoes a guys got?
Reply:Don't speak for all women,I don't.
Reply:mebbeee they be lookings 4 horseshoes %26amp; HORSEDIKKLESSNESS +..............CHIRP
Reply:I wonder what they'd think of me. I go barefoot.


What (clothing) silhouettes do you like?

Just curious. I tend to prefer really nice, sleek silhouettes at least for the upper half of the body, but I don't mind the tight top paired with baggy pants look. With dresses, I prefer a sleeker silhouette with a narrower skirt as opposed to the fairytale princess ball gown look with the huge skirt. And shoes...I hate the way uggs look because they're so chunky. so what do you guys like?

What (clothing) silhouettes do you like?
I like hourglass figures. I like the waist accentuated and in its natural place. I like women i skirts or dresses rather than trousers. I generally prefer the skirts tight, but a soft flowing skirt can also be very flattering. I do not particularly like short skirts. Heels: the higher the better.

I am a man and I like women to be feminine.

performing arts

Do they have these shoes with leather upper?

Do they have these shoes with leather upper?
probablly not

visual arts

What shoes and jacket do I wear?

I am attending a wedding on saturday evening. I found the dress and jewelry (with help from my boyfriend, BE JEALOUS) and decided I wanted silver shoes, but I'm not sure. I also need to find a jacket or shrug or coverup of some kind. The ceremony is outside (not sure about the reception) and it'll be chilly by the time we are on the way home.

See Dress Here (the dress is just an example of the style the dress is actually solid and purple like the block in the upper left hand corner):

Jewelry to Match is in these colors:

Any Suggestions, Pics, Links, etc. are welcome.

What shoes and jacket do I wear?
A denim jacket is not appropriate for a wedding. It is too casual. Wear a scarf or a stole like a Pashmina. A pale color would be pretty with your dress.
Reply:You can't go wrong with a denim jacket. If you don't have one, you can buy one here: ( ) For shoes, silver sounds cute! You could also buy black shoes, tan shoes... any color!
Reply:Honestly with that neckline I wouldn't wear a necklace. It will cut up the shape of your body. I would honestly switch your jewelry to gold, gold heels, gold purse and a gold croquet shrug.
Reply:yea wear a jacket their's nothing wrong with that

makeup tips

What shoes and jacket do I wear?

I am attending a wedding on saturday evening. I found the dress and jewelry (with help from my boyfriend, BE JEALOUS) and decided I wanted silver shoes, but I'm not sure. I also need to find a jacket or shrug or coverup of some kind. The ceremony is outside (not sure about the reception) and it'll be chilly by the time we are on the way home.

See Dress Here (the dress is just an example of the style the dress is actually solid and purple like the block in the upper left hand corner):

Jewelry to Match is in these colors:

Any Suggestions, Pics, Links, etc. are welcome.

What shoes and jacket do I wear?
I think you should wear white heels, but you dont have to. but if you do, you can get a pea coat that looks like this, except white:
Reply:Thanks! Report It

fashion accessories

What did teenagers wear in the 1930's?

The Upper and Lower body, head, shoes, shirts, accessories, etc...

What did teenagers wear in the 1930's?
Reply:Here's a good site with descriptions and photos:

This costume site has pictures from a 1934 Sears catalogue (teens):

And also this site has a good article about the change of teen fashion in the dept. stores during the 30s:
Reply:BOYS-Regular pants, and a classic shirt, tucked in, belt, just, normal shoes. usually brown. white socks.

GIRLS-pretty much the same as the boys except a long skirt/dress and no belt.
Reply:way back then it was mostly just animal skins, i hear ;-)
Reply:In the 1930's, the term teenagers did not exist. The whole world at this time was stricken with poverty so everyone wore pretty much whatever they could get their hands on.
Reply:Hilter's clothings
Reply:Clothes i hope!

small business web

Black shoes with white bottoms?

Where can I buy those shoes that have a black upper and a white sole? They are so cool. I see so many celebrities wearing them.

Black shoes with white bottoms?
if the sole is white, it will soon be black after you walk on it


What kind of person is Kareen Abdual Jabbar like in real life?

I wonder is he's a jerk in real life because he somewhat played the persona of a jerk in on a TV show and then in a movie.

1) His guest role in that TV show "Full House" when he was the referee for a charity basketball game and he called Jesse pathetic.

2) That movie "Slam Dunk Earnest" and in the movie he had to be convinced by that "upper force at work" to give Earnest those shoes.

I know he was just acting on TV, but maybe he felt felt like playing out his real life persona. I have no idea what he's like in real life, so I'm just curious..

What kind of person is Kareen Abdual Jabbar like in real life?
I, for one, would LOVE to get the chance to find out. I've always felt that he is the best ever, even above Michael Jordan. He has as many championship rings and his personal stats and awards are as numerous as Jordan's. He played against some of the greats, from Wilt Chamberlain to Larry Bird to Dr. J. I especially admire him for playing in the NBA as long as he did. Only Robert Parrish played longer (but as a bench- warmer). If I were a 7- footer in the NBA I would model my game after Abdul- Jabbar's. Hakeem Olajuwon did and he won 2 championships with the Rockets, one of those against a young and healthy Shaq! Don't judge him by his movies! Judge him by his dedication on the basketball court. The man definitely has character!
Reply:He is funny, quiet at times and he is very caring and giving!

He is a great role model and was one of the greatest players - ever!
Reply:and how r we suppose to know that? no answers ok then case close thanks for the 2 points
Reply:a pothead

annual credit report

Who Is This Mystery Woman Irish Police Seek Your Help?

Mystery Woman Gardai Seek Help

By J. P. Anderson

Gardaí at Store Street are seeking the public's assistance in identifying a woman who presented herself at the station on Sunday morning.

The woman came into the station at 9am on 30 September and is not aware of who she is or of any personal details about herself.

She was not in possession of any identification.

She is described as being in her mid-30's, 5' 9'' tall, of slim build, with brown, collar-length hair.

She has hazel coloured eyes and speaks with an American or Canadian accent. She is also able to speak French.

She has three tattoos on her body, two of Arabic style writing on her left, upper arm and back of her neck.

The third tattoo is a Celtic-type design on the back of one of her legs.

She was wearing a black skirt and top with a black trench coat, leopard skin shoes and a multi coloured head scarf.

She was carrying a Chihuahua dog.

Who Is This Mystery Woman Irish Police Seek Your Help?
marge simpson.
Reply:britney on the craik again no doubt.
Reply:That's my Mum!

What's she doing in Store Streeet? Taking that bloody yappy dog for a walk again, I'll bet.

Mothers, eh? tsk!


Repair resoling of Nike Air running shoes in New Delhi?

I have a pair of Nike Air running shoes with uppers in perfect condition that I want resoled, if possible. In case anyone knows a location in Delhi/NCR I would appreciate contact details.

Repair resoling of Nike Air running shoes in New Delhi?
Probably you need to explore it at Karol Bagh. No specific shop. Just go and ask any shop. They are too many shoe stores there.

reliable web hosting

Is there an adhesive that is hugely strong and flexible but also EDIBLE?

My friend and I are trying to set up the ultimate in genius websites. Affiliated with , it is a website called , and is deidcated to edible footwear. We've already constructed several models; loafers, sneakers, sandals, etc, but have hit a snag. We cannot find an edible glue that is strong enough to adhere soles (steak, halumi, gelatine, etc), to uppers (ham, japanese seaweed, jerky, etc). Superglue is inedible, gum arabic and edible cake glue are not strong enough, and egg white, gelatine and icing split, shear or crack. We've decided that glue is the way forward, as edible threads (celery, rocket, etc) cannot be threaded through the eye of a needle. Can anyone suggest a reliable single way of adhering two parts of an edible shoe. This is a serious question! :)

Is there an adhesive that is hugely strong and flexible but also EDIBLE?
Reply:try a sugar water mixture... but i think it will harden then crack?
Reply:dissolvable sutcher for the stiching. i had my appendix out and the surgeon used dissolvable sutcher
Reply:Wood glue. I believe it's made from horses hooves - it certainly smells disgusting
Reply:have no idea of its strength but you can purchase fish glue. there are other animal made glues available on the market have a good search see what you can find, you could try making pegs (like skewers) using stalks or some product similar. i think maybe another problem you may find is who would really want to eat it after being with feet and in contact with the floor - good luck with both of those.
Reply:In the Charlie Chaplin film they used liquorice
Reply:If you're using gelatine in the soles, why not bond the whole shoe with gelatine? I hope you're not using this information for the purposes of terrorism.
Reply:Try oatmeal, I know it's hard to clean up when my daughter spills it.

Yellow Teeth

I invented the machine that attaches the lower and upper parts of shoes. WHO AM I?

this is just a trivia question..its not me

I invented the machine that attaches the lower and upper parts of shoes. WHO AM I?
Let me guess, a shoe maker who became very wealthy.
Reply:Bob Glue.
Reply:You're an elastic band.

I know a bloke who is so mean, when the soles of his shoes start flapping, he wraps elastic bands all the way round.
Reply:your an idot. go find it yourself dumbo


I need help with these terms when buying shoes. What do they mean: leather upper, balance man made materials?

The upper (top part of the shoe) is leather, the balance (remaining part of the shoe) is synthetic (not leather).

I need help with these terms when buying shoes. What do they mean: leather upper, balance man made materials?
You're welcome. Report It

Reply:I concur,... thats right on the money!


How do u dress a 7 year old boy that says "upper middle class"?? Without looking too preppy?

Like pants, shirt shoes, etc. Brands and types? Thx.

How do u dress a 7 year old boy that says "upper middle class"?? Without looking too preppy?
Any brand jean shorts, a polo shirt... probably Ralph Lauren.. you can get them at Marshalls for like $12 and then a cute pair of little white Nikes...
Reply:Dark denim jeans, with a crisp button up shirt, and some white shoes.

Gap, Pacsun, Target, Abercrombie kids, and Old Navy.
Reply:oshkosh, jean or pants, plain white tee shirt with a polo over it
Reply:What a waste of cyberspace. If the clothes are clean and he's clean....WHO CARES!
Reply:alas, yet another child lost to designer love
Reply:Ta, ta, ta ta ta.
Reply:If u got it so what make your baby cute preppy whatever... Jus don't tie sweeters around his neck %26amp; not a lot of slacks jeans......
Reply:He's 7 years old! He still wears clothes from Osh-Kosh and grows so fast you should probably stick to cheaper clothing sources like Target. Forget how he "wants" to be "upper middle class" or whatever because that's really stupid. Just buy clothes that fit and don't make him look like a dork.
Reply:Dolce %26amp; Gabbana or Juicy Couture kids.
Reply:and why would you do that?

let him wear what he wants to wear with gentle guiding from yourself so he doesnt look like some kid from ghetto thats a wannabe. brand names dont mean much most of the time, just the style of the clothing should matter.
Reply:id say shut the hell up!! ur 7 wat does he care i bet hes gay!!! cuz 7 year olds should play video games not care wat they wear!
Reply:american eagle, not to preppy. but still very cool. Alot of people are wearing american eagle and hollister co. And if you wanna tone it down buy a few things from target or something.


Loose Teeth


I know that antique staplers do resemble the first shoe lasting machines produced in the 1890's. I looked up pictures of both. My first thought was a nail gun for some reason, but you wouldnt use one of those in an office. The closest thing to that is a stapler? Are you going to tell me if that was right?


skin lesions

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