Friday, November 6, 2009

What should a dad do to help a daughter who has chosen a life style that will only lead to heartache?

She is 24 very cute and will graduate from college in Dec. 2007. Dresses more like a boy, nothing but jeans, converse tennis shoes, wallet chain, etc. Tattoos on both wrists and on on her upper left arm, Words not art. Hangs out with nothing but recovering alcoholics and drug addics.

She told her younger brother that she no longer believes that Jesus is her Saviour and Son of God although she was president of her church youth group in High School. I feel that our mistakes as parents was allowing her to hang out with kids we did not know early on and allowing her to attend a very liberal college her freshman and sophmore years,

I do not want to stop her from growing up, I just want to give her a chance to grow up to be a happy Christian wife and mother.

Her mother and I love her very much and believe she needs to attend some kind program that will remind her that she is a Christian girl and build her self-esteem and dreams for her future.

What should a dad do to help a daughter who has chosen a life style that will only lead to heartache?
You may have to let her choose her path and learn from her mistakes herself.

If she has been raised in a Christian home and she has experienced the good that church brings then she will come back to it.

It is no different than a young teen being rebellious and making territorial boundaries. They do it but in the end they come back to the good that their parents instilled in them.

If they don't then it is not because you did not try. That is all that is important for you to remember.

You continue to pray and ask God to guide her. You know he will, it will just be up to her to walk through the doors he opens for her.

If she is a mother then you watch closely to make sure the children are not being negatively influenced.

And, pray.
Reply:Okay Dad, this is it. As a former rebel myself (right on down to dabbling in witchcraft and same-sex tendencies), the only thing you can do for your daughter is to give her to the Lord. Pray for her constantly, let her know that you still love her no matter what, and DO NOT PRESSURE her. If you push her, all you will end up doing is pushing her away. If she is doing any of this out of rebellion, you will only prolong it by giving her something to rebel against. Just pray, and trust in the Lord with all your heart, allow him to comfort you, and your daughter will heal in time.

Exodus 14:14 "And the Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still." So why do you think he won't fight for your daughter? Trust in him, my friend, she will come around in His time, when he is ready to reach out for her and she is ready to come back into the forgiving fold of His love.
Reply:wow, my advice would to pray for her day and night and to put her in God's hands....
Reply:i don't think it would be smart to try to choose what she believes in. i mean i totaly agree you need to get her to stop hangin out with the people she discribed. but you can't choose her beliefs, she will resent you. take it one step at a time, don't presure her about beliefs, first get her away from her friends then you have to let her make her own decisions. she may just have to make a few mistakes before she comes around, con't me angry at her or things like atht, and don't blame yourself.
Reply:God's word says train your child in the way they shall go and they will not depart from it...That does not mean that they wont test everything they were taught to find their identity.. Rebellion is the key here really and she will have to sift and sort through her own life at this stage in the game...Your job is to be supportive but not totally tolerant in what she is doing but honest and loving like a parent..If she was truly strong in the Lord she will return to it she may just need to take some hard knocks to bring her back...Her characteris still being built no matter what! Let her fly dad and pray for her !
Reply:Generation gap
Reply:Never let her forget how much you love her. Don't push the issue. No matter what happens, let her know she is always welcome home no questions asked. She will come around when she realizes how lonely life is without your family. Please hang in there. Remember show your love without condemnation. Don't force your religion on her, when she's ready to come back she will. The more you force her, the further she will be.
Reply:My heart aches for you. There is nothing you can do but love her through it and lots and lots of prayer. You gave her the Christian foundation, sounds as if she had accepted Christ so now you must leave it up to her and God.

Not sure what else to say. Will remember you and her in my prayers.
Reply:not every girl wants to grow up to be her parents maybe to accept is better than forget be supportive it may be a personality thing she is fighting or just some one Trying to fit in and have some friends it is also about trust it may even be a rebellious thing for her she will come around but sometimes it takes an eye opener for that to happen hang in there.i have been there and well nothing is worse than thinking that u don't belong just let her know u r there for her and that no matter what she does ull love and support and help when she needs it.


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