Sunday, October 11, 2009

I think my daycare hurt me daughter! What should I do?

Okay, so on Friday when I got my daughter home from daycare I noticed that she had wounds all around her ankles (it looked like the upper layers of skin had been rubbed off from something wrapped around her ankles tighltly) I know that it wasn't from her shoes because she was wearing clogs that day. She told me many times this weekend that her teacher held her legs down because she wouldn't go into time out... I know that kids fib a lot (she's four)... but with her consistancy on the story I am very worried... Does anyone know what actions I would need to take to get a lawyer? I'm a single mom with not alot of money... But I don't want to this go, and I want the other parents to come forward if anything like this has happened to their children... Please Help! I don't know what to do!

I think my daycare hurt me daughter! What should I do?
There may be a Legal Aid Society in your area that would help you free, or at a reduced rate. Check with any lawyer, their secretary could refer you to the Society. Also, I would not take my child back there. Find a good Christian daycare. I wish you the very best, sweetie.
Reply:First go up and confront the teacher and see what she says then switch your daughters daycare and call the police and tell them or child perfective services and then ask other moms if they have seen this on there kids....No person is aloud to touch another persons child over there will i'm sure your child told her to stop.the only thing i daycare worker is aloud to do is hold them they are suppost to hold them like hugging until they calm down....

ps. make sure you take a picture of her legs
Reply:My sister was in a similar situation to you. She had a nanny who she took her son to and for two days she took him he came home with bruises he couldnt talk at the time, Anyway 1 day she went to pick him up and my sister saw the nanny throw her son so hard on the seti he couldnt even cry. Report this straight away even if its not true this person needs to be checked out im sure your daughter is telling the truth good luck xx
Reply:Take pictures of her ankles. Write down exactly what she said to you and the dates. Get her in a different daycare TOMORROW and call child protective services TOMORROW. Lawyers come later if at all! Having child protective service involved may get other parents to speak up. Daycare teachers are usually very caring, but there are several who want to provide more physical abuse than teaching.
Reply:Ask her about them first. See what she says and what she acts like when you ask her. You need to go with your instinct. Get a lawyer. see what kind of investigations you can do without getting into trouble. Don't just think you're being too worried. Sometimes kids lie about that stuff but she sounds like she went into GREAT detail about something that would bother you as a mother. Go with your stomach.

and remember at your local court house they will have licensed lawyers who will talk to you about your options for free!
Reply:The answers here are correct in regards to reporting the incident, but you HAVE TO TAKE PICTURES!! If anything is going to stand up in court, they have to have some kind of proof. This happened to my cousin and they had her take lots of pictures at all different angles everyday.
Reply:get a lawyer, take pictures...and tell that ******* C u n t that if you find out that she touched your child her *** is yours. wow i'm heated. if anyone ever touched my child i would kill straight up no question homicidal rage. don't take chances, seriously this kind of stuff can be very damaging to a child.
Reply:First, right now, today, change daycares. Then maybe contact some lawyers in the area to see what kind of charges you'd be facing. Also, take pictures of her injuries so if you DO have a case, you have proof. But most important is getting her out of there.
Reply:I would definitely talk to the day care provider before you do anything. Find out their side of the story. They might have an explanation for what happened. It's really important to get their side of the story first. Then see where you can go from there.
Reply:Contact your local Better Business Bureau and they will conduct an investigation.

Good luck.

I would believe your daughter if her story is consistent.
Reply:I'm very sorry to hear this. I would bring it up to the attention of the daycare provider. You can trying calling CPS and maybe they'll pop in on them unexpectedly....or you can show up yourself.
Reply:First contact the police and let them know what's going on. Ask them what to do on this matter, and about how to get an affordable attorney if you want to seek court action.
Reply:Dont take her back to the daycare...go talk to the director of the daycare and tell them what you said here. If she/he cant give you a straight answer then go to the police.
Reply:First of all I would contact the teacher and see what was going on. And then if everything checks out that they did do that to her then take legal action.
Reply:I would contact the police first of all and ask their advice. I would also ask advice from your lawyer.
Reply:First, get her in a different daycare. Then report the place to Child Protective Services.
Reply:Go to court with the woman and call child protective services. Also tell the police.
Reply:reported and don't send her back
Reply:Document with picture, dates, what did your daughter say etc. Any witnesses?

At this point, don't worry about an attorney. Call the police or social services ( who will contact the police). If something is going on, it could be child abuse and the police have the resources to investigate. The District Attorney is your attorney in criminal matters. Only get a private attorney if you are filing a civil suit. Right now you do not have enough evidence yo do that. In the meantime, are you going to continue to take your daughter to this daycare? Have you spoken to the management to find more details? What is their side of the story?
Reply:Take pictures immediately and don't send her back. Before you pursue any legal action call the place and ask them what happened. I know this sounds dumb but are you sure that one of her friends didn't tie a jump rope around her legs or anything? Kids do crazy stuff so before you spend tons of time and money on lawyers and court battles you just want to make sure you rule everything else out first. Is your daughter the type that would tell her teacher if she got hurt? Because if she is and her teacher tells you that she didn't say anything then you know something is up. Write down everything they say to you so you can accurately report their claims to your lawyer if needed. I can tell you, I was a preschool teacher for 8 years and kids do get minor injuries that go unoticed because we teachers only have two eyes but this sounds suspicious to me.

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