Sunday, October 11, 2009

(: My birthday?

Sooo. My 15th birthday's coming up. July 20. Usually my parents just give me $100. I'm not really big on presents. If you ask me what I want I'm like "iono...." and my parents know that already.

Well I've been kind of eyeing this bag:

And I'm thinking of asking for it for my birthday. But I don't really wanna seem... I don't know. Spoiled? We're not poor at all we're like upper-middle ish. I know they can afford it but I've never asked for a present like that from them and they've never spent that much on a present for me. Except for Christmas last, last year when they gave me a pair of Coach shoes and $100, a one-time $200 shopping spree at Abercrombie, and they bought me a new iPod but that was because my dad lost the old one. But now my mom makes me buy w/ my own money. Is it ok to ask? ):

(: My birthday?
If you want it, but you could get a better bag for less money I don't think it is worth it.
Reply:I love that bag! K..even if they say said your parents will still prolly give you $100. Sock that away %26amp; save the other $100. sell some stuff on Craigslist to come up with the remainder. You'll never know til you ask, though. They might just surprise you!! Good luck!!

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