Sunday, March 14, 2010

Does this girl like me?

okay so this girl sits directly to the right of me in a high school class and she always seems to stretch her legs out towards me, (like on the rack underneath the desk) One time, she put her foot up on the back edge of my seat and was doing something with her shoe/pants or something so that she kept pushing up against my side or butt area. Another time, she had her legs stretched out, and like bent over and hit her hand on my upper thigh. Another time, when the teacher was talking, and I was talking, she touched me on the upper thigh and said "Shhh" and smiled. Also, one time she had her legs crossed towards me and hit my leg with her shoe. Also, just today, she touched me on the shoulder and said "you look mad"....And one other day, she was like "so are you getting your hair cut soon, it's touching your ears" and then went on to explain that's the rule her brother and dad use haha. So, my question is, do you think this girl likes me?

Does this girl like me?
maybe she just likes stretching?
Reply:more like she likes to FLIRT with u!! maybeshe is flirting, maybe she likes u. does she flirt with other guys? if she does, then she is a flirter, and just does it for fun. if she doesn't, she likes u or is just "touchy"

good luck!!!
Reply:Yeah that or shes having a innocent flirt :)


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