Sunday, March 14, 2010

Orthopedic shoes or inserts for wide feet?

I don’t have insurance for my daughter, but I just took her in to her doctor for her feet because her right foot keeps swelling on the upper pads under her big toe and the toe next to it. We did the full evaluation including physical therapy acts (testing her joints) and full blood work ups and found absolutely nothing wrong with her. He suggested going to a podiatrist to get her evaluated for a change in footwear, but I spent every cent I had on this last visit. So I’ll have to save for a few more months until I have the money to go to the podiatrist.

While I’m waiting, what would you suggest to do to alleviate her pain, gel inserts, plastic inserts, those ugly croc shoes, or a different shoe brand all together that offers support for wide feet?

Orthopedic shoes or inserts for wide feet?
There is a homeopathic rub that has worked WONDERS on foot pain for a number of people I have known, including myself. It is called "The Rub." You can find it on Amazon or at a local health food store.

If you take her to a podiatrist, chances are he will recommend inserts that he makes himself. These help most people a tiny bit. What *might* help more is these shoes with springs called "Z-Coils." You can find a store online. The shoes will be about $200, which is less than the inserts from the podiatrist will cost, plus with the inserts you still need to buy nice shoes.

Your best bet would be to buy The Rub and put it on every morning and every night, and there is a good chance your daughter would see a significant difference in just a few days.

Hope this helps; I know foot pain can be miserable.
Reply:My son has same problem....try getting the inserts called "superfeet".....can be found in most Kaiser hospital pharmacy,s....they help him...cost $30....good luck


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