Friday, March 12, 2010

Are they treating Mike Vick a little bit too harsh?

I mean they still dont know if he really did the dog fighting. They might know that it was on his property but they dont know if he was the Ring Leader..Nike, Reebox pulled Michael Vick's Shoes + Jerseys off of their collection, and Upper Deck just took out all the Mike Vick signed memorbilia and cards that were due to be in the NFL cards, isnt this a bit too much??

Are they treating Mike Vick a little bit too harsh?
bestballa alive asked was he being treated to harsh,and the first thing to come out of peoples mouth is its not because of his race.i don't see where balla ever said it was in his question.yet i see so many people trying to confirm or deny that its a race issue.makes you wonder,paranoia is alive and well in the USA.
Reply:Well, those dogs were treated pretty harsh. Even if Vick didn't take part in the dogfighting, you have to wonder how could he possibly have not known that this was going on at his property? If you're going to rent your property out to someone, at least make sure they are not going to use it for something as illegal and barbaric as dogfighting. If Vick isn't an animal abuser, he either condones it or is stupid enough to associate with the wrong people. He deserves a fair trial, but if these allegations are true, he deserves the maximum punishment for it, and should not be allowed to play in the NFL again.
Reply:Guilty by association
Reply:its just plain business they don't want to be associated with someone who could do prison time because of the back lash from the public if they don't pull the plug on it
Reply:They know. The Feds don't indict unless you are guilty. They investigated a long time before bringing charges. There are actually even more charges to come. They have tons of solid evidence and several good witnesses. Vick is toast!
Reply:NO, they are not. And this has nothing to do with race.
Reply:In order for the NFL and all his endorsments to suspend him or pull him they must have some bigtime proof or evidence against him. I don't think Race would or should matter in this situation! I think in due time all the evidence will be released and the truth will be told. Goodbye Mr. Vick!
Reply:You have 3 seconds or less to make an impression on people. Since negative stories surround Mr. Vick, anything associated with him will cause a negative feeling in a consumer, which will cause loss of sales for the advertiser. It's a business decision. Don't take it personal.
Reply:If Michael Vick ever plays on the football field ever again, there will be a boycott of all football teams and never again will there be a football game seen on my television.

The line is being brawn by the fans. Not the Football Commissioner's Office, not the coaches, not the owners...but, the fans.

Read my lips...LOOSE MICHAEL VICK!
Reply:Why don't you ask the dogs is Vick's being treated harshly.

From a business standpoint the companies are all doing the right thing. They're being proactive rather than reactive. Instead of continuing to put Vick products out that they're not going to make any money off of anyway, they take it all down and who gets mad besides Michael Vick. They're saving face and may even look better in the eye of the public all while making the smart financial decision at the same time.
Reply:Ya, it is a little bit harsh, but people don't want to be publishing and selling stuff that advertises criminals, and portrays them as heroes.
Reply:Uh......NO. He gets what he deserves. The pro-athlete THUG has got to be weeded (no pun intended) out of pro sports. All pro sports.
Reply:Yes I think they are treating him a little too harsh.

Kobe gets in trouble with crimes against that girl. A GIRL . Human being. Loses a sprite contract. Wow ..... Vick hasnt been found guilty nor will he be and Nike, Reebok, Upperdeck, almost everyone of his endorsements gone just like that over something they dont even know is true. Now when they say he isnt guilty theyre gonna be pissed if he goes and signs with someone else and rubs it in their face. All they know is it was on his property. Not his current place of residence just one of his property.

and by the taking his signed memorbilias off theyre about to have a bunch of mad customers who bought from them already for hundreds of dollars on jerseys and everything thats worthless cause the media dragging vicks name through the dirt.
Reply:no they arent treating him to harsh he broke the law
Reply:I agree, I had a couple of people murdered in my backyard, but I wasn't the ring leader of the whole thing. What did I do wrong?
Reply:no, they need to treat these spoiled pros, like everyone else, throw his *** in jail,if he is convicted that is
Reply:Not really. He's got a very negative image now that they don't want associated with their image. They have the right and good business sense to severe themselves from it. Even if he is innocent, he did put himself in the position to be associated with dog fighting and these people. So it isn't too far for him to lose out because of it. He has an image to maintain in his position and he obviously didn't think about that.
Reply:I have been trying to hold out having an opinion, since I don't know the details and he's not convicted, but IF it is a KNOWN fact that it was on HIS property, then that's enough for me.

I don't care if he was the ring leader or a fighter or a bystander or if he did a friend a favor. Bottom line is that he allowed an inexcusable, disgusting, cruel event take place on his property, and as such, he deserves to be punished, in my humble opinion. (I'm a sucker for throwing anyone who participates in dogfighting naked, covered in bacon and tied up into the ring with seven or eight cruelly-treated fighting dogs, but that's just me, I guess)

I will proudly support any of his sponsors that withdraw any merchandise, and boicot those that don't.

I don't care if a person is red, white, black, blue, male, female, young, old, democrat, republican - WHATEVER. Dog fighting is deplorable and discusting, and needs to be stopped. NOW.
Reply:The revulsion people have toward dog fighting is widely held and very deep. If I am a company, I don't want Vick's face on my product while he's under indictment.
Reply:How do Vick's teammates explain to their children how their "hero" tortures puppies? Ditto all other parents in America?

While Vick does not have a criminal record to date, he is hardly the pillar of ethics: * accused of knowingly passing on herpes to a woman in 2003 * fined 20k by the NFL for making obscene gestures to the Georgia Dome crowd * refused to surrender a suspicious water bottle to Miami airport security. His off-field issues have been mounting in the last two years. He is a time-bomb about to go off. They say he is quite shy off-field. I would hazard a guess he is socially backward and that the culture he came from condones dog fighting period. The press is making it out to be that Vick somehow did not know any better. Sorry, but ignorance does not get you off the hook.

I would like to quote you an article written by Randy Covitz from Kansas City and see what you think:

" When word about the dog fighting on Vick's property began to surface, Vick met with Goodell (NFL Comissioner) at the NFL draft in APRIL and denied knowledge of the activities of the that the (18) page indictment say extend back to Vick's rookie year in 2001. That could come back to haunt Vick. "No matter who it is, when somebody lies to you, that does not make you feel good," Brandt said. "The Commissioner asked him and Micheal Vick said he had nothing to do with it, but they've got witnesses and photographs and everything that say he was completely untruthful with the Comissioner."

"It's doubtful Vick can can ever play in Atlanta because Blank won't stand for the image of his organization being tarnished further." "Now you have team chemistry issues...who's backing him? Are they with him? Most guys would be... but there is a faction of guys who aren't gonna stand for it."

Sheesh ya don't say?!

So the "rush to judgement" comments are moot.

There is also a faction of folks that believe that if he says sorry real prettily, pays a humoungous fine and does public edcucation on animal abuse all will be hunky dory. No dice.

Making abusers do this type of community service is dead wrong in my opinion. He's the las person I would want my child to learn about animals from. The warm fuzzies are just not there, never mind the first-hand experience and integrity required for such an endeavour! The bottom line - Vick will be sacked by public opinion. Can someone please explain to me why US sports teams in general let bums get off the hook? Barry Bonds, Kobe Bryant, Pete Rose, the NBA- betting referee etc. It's a sad commentary on American society. Why do you all put up with it?
Reply:your kidding right?
Reply:Absolutely! This rush to judgment is ridiculous. Are we a country of simpletons? Are we a nation of Ninnies? The world laughs at us because we are viewed as shallow, superficial, and insignificant.

This craziness over dog fighting is out of control. Even if he was engaged in dog fighting (which has not been proven), he should be punished by a fine or whatever a class six felony dictates. He has not killed any human beings and although the dog lovers think it is a major crime, it really isn't. In the criminal justice system this is not a major crime. Go ahead, look it up! It really isn't. Therefore, the NFL, Nike, Reebok and the rest of the brain dead public needs to settle down and put this all in proper perspective.

We are looking foolish to the outside world. We are viewed as nincompoops without a clue about the real world. Dog fighting has been around for decades and it will be around for years to come. It's happening all over the world. So, stop the madness! If he is engaged in illegal activities, the punishment should fit the crime. That's it, that's all!
Reply:Not at all. You live by the sword and you die by it. Football is a business and public relations is a big part of it. Right now Vick is like a hot potato and nobody wants to hold onto him.
Reply:How could they possibly treat him too harsh? He flips off his own true fans, brings marijuana onto a plane, and fights dogs illegally! Ok people do say the marijuana incident was mislead but, WHO MISTAKES MARIJUANA IN A BOTTLE? Nobody is that dumb. Vick is a pathetic excuse of a person and nobody wants their children growing up wanting to be just like this guy. By the way, I gotta question for everyone else. Joey Harrington is a backup QB at best and his stats in every category except rushing is higher than Vick. Who cares about rushing? Thats why Jerious Norwood and Warrick Dunn are on the team. Im from Ky, and I know Bobby Petrino personally because I played ball with his son Nick. Petrino will get rid of Vick and he will go after Brian Brohm in the draft, so im sorry but Vick is done in Atlanta. As for all this being too much, no! Stop taking up for him just because he is black and face the fact that he is worthless and him and his brother both need to be thrown in jail together. Their both worthless! Nobody wants to be fans of a dog killer and certainly someone who is gonna FLIP OFF THE PEOPLE WHO PAYS HIS PAYCHECK!!!!!
Reply:this whole situation stinks. People don't realize that the feds can also be wrong too. This to me is very foolish because people treat it like he put there dogs out there. In the constitution i thought it gave us the right to do what we want with our property. In other countries dogs are food.

All these people saying he should never play again are a bunch of lames. That means you should be fired from your job if you ride around in a car with leather interior. Some people feel differently about different animals. What about the snake skin shoes or the fur coats all of your favorite stars wear. I don't see you people boycotting them.

I have my own pit bulls and i love them to death. I don't put my dogs in dog fights because i choose not to. Its your choice of what u want to do with your own property. I don't see picket lines outside of horse tracks when u can see the jockeys beating the horses on national TV.

People also say he should be treated like any other person. But this case is being blown up like he murdered a human. People saying he should have gotten rid of his friends. Who then would have been in his circle of friends not the people who have been there since day one but the people who only know him because he's got money. LET VICK PLAY and get a life
Reply:I don't understand what goes through someones mind while they do these unspeakable things to a living creature. I know people think they are just dumb dogs they killed, but dogs aren't called mans best friend for no reason. Dogs put so much trust in human beings. Its horrible when people take advantage of that. If vick and his partners are found guilty i think they should be punished big time. Hopefully while they are in jail somebody make them fight each other and then when they dont perform well they punish these guys the same way they punished those dogs.
Reply:No way near as harsh as he treated those dogs, so no.

skin tone

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