Friday, March 12, 2010

Harassment? (as a promotion model)?

Does your superior telling you to slap customers on the a** (+ making you make the motion,), telling you to act sexy giving samples away, making you do work not part of the work agreement (having people sign up for something on a small computer, when you are supposed to just be handing out free stuff) constantly high fiving you, touching your upper arms, saying his shoes are worth more money than you are making, telling you to tell people you are giviing away asian babies, constantly swearing (dont mind so much, except a few specific swears the fact that it was in a public work place (supposed to be professional) taking pills (that get you "jacked up")

not giving you proper paperwork to get paid (or info about harassment protection, etc)

and then firing you (when you don't flirt back with him) and not telling you, letting you get to work %26amp; then still not telling you

%26amp; waiting for you to call someone else)

and not being able to get paperwork for weeks

give you grounds for action?

Harassment? (as a promotion model)?
sounds like grounds for a major lawsuit
Reply:It's grounds for job hunting. Get a new job!
Reply:Um......several......go fight it!
Reply:You need to find a lawyer- ASAP

While working in the promotions game is supposed to be fun, and it can be, but we still need to maintain a professional demeanor while on the job.

Sounds like this is one of the guys making it tougher than it needs to be for the rest of us.
Reply:Honey, I think you know the answer to your question. If you are seriously considering a lawsuit, write down everything you have just said and make a copy of it. Most attorneys will give you a free consultation. Take this "list" with you and show it to the attorney and then you will know where to go from there! Have you considered talking to your superior's superior? Hope you find a better job!


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