Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Could someone please point out figures of speech in Poem 520 by Emily Dickinson?

I started Early -- Took my Dog --

And visited the Sea --

The Mermaids in the Basement

Came out to look at me --

And Frigates -- in the Upper Floor

Extended Hempen Hands --

Presuming Me to be a Mouse --

Aground -- upon the Sands --

But no Man moved Me -- till the Tide

Went past my simple Shoe --

And past my Apron -- and my Belt --

And past my Bodice -- too --

And made as He would eat me up --

As wholly as a Dew

Upon a Dandelion's Sleeve --

And then -- I started -- too --

And He -- He followed -- close behind --

I felt his Silver Heel

Upon my Ankle -- Then my Shoes

Would overflow with Pearl --

Until We met the Solid Town --

No One He seemed to know --

And bowing -- with a Mighty look --

At me -- The Sea withdrew --

Could someone please point out figures of speech in Poem 520 by Emily Dickinson?
Well the whole thing is a metaphor - describing her house as the sea. I don't think you can separate each sentence to see to what she is refering because it is like a child playing - her imagination has turned everything around her into something which fits into the game.

There is one small phrase which is separate - the dew upon a dandelion's sleeve but I can't see where she is taking this analogy sort of peters out.

His silver heel, I would imagine is the sea - again, also the pearl reference (but don't quote me on that)

Don't know what Solid Town refers to - reality perhaps? or that she and the dog were going somewhere and they reached the town.


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