Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Why do some people judge others without being in their shoes first?

I know the whole gay marriage ban upturn in California has really got people heated and hotly debating. I'm not here to say that everyone has to accept homosexuality nor trying to change what some people (have the right to) think and believe, but it seems the people who are most vehemently against gay people are people who have no idea what its like to be gay.

These are often married, heterosexual people in well-off wealthy or upper middle class families who seem to turn a blind eye to anyone who doesn't think or live like they do. Unless they have been in that person's shoes, who are they to really JUDGE that other person?

Why do some people judge others without being in their shoes first?
Yeah I wonder that myself. It seems as though anything they do not understand they discriminate against. There had a gay couple that lived next door to me growing up and my parents were best friends with them, and they were like my uncles. I am very glad that my parents were accepting of their lifestyle and were friends with them. my best friend in High School was gay and we had many conversations about what it was like for him to go about his life day to day. The name-calling at school, ridicule he got from his father, and just feeling out of place in society, and the fact that people that don't understand homosexuality think it is a choice. what they don't know is that it is not a choice.
Reply:I've never murdered anyone nor have I been murdered but I'm still against it. Often times there is a moral imperative whthin the consciousness of a person that doesn't require them to walk as others have walked. And I've the right to my opinion as you are and I will fight to the death your right to be wrong. lol on the last.
Reply:i accept gay marraige. last year when i was 12 i used to think it was disgusting but then i realized what have they done to us. and i got nothing its not their fault they were born that way and if i were gay i know i would want to get married so thats why i support it
Reply:Because thats how they were treated or how they were raised. We learn what we live.
Reply:to do so is, unfortunately, part of human nature, and not a nice part.

For what it's worth, I am a married, heterosexual woman living in an upper middle class area of Oakland CA, and I am eagerly awaiting my state's Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage.

I cannot pretend that I know what it's like to be gay, but I am a vehement supporter of gay rights, and I will sing for joy if they rule that same sex marriages are valid here.

I teach adults ESL, and for some of my students, the notion of homosexuality is abhorrent. When I gently remind them that they themselves are sometimes the recipients of bigotry or intolerance for the color of their skin, the slant of their eyes, or the way they talk, I just hope that SOME modicum or understanding gets through.

I have my fingers crossed, and I am holding my breath. I hope they do the right thing and let gay people get married legally and enjoy all the benefits of marriage. There is NO reason AT ALL why gay people shouldn't be treated as equal citizens in this, and every , aspect of society.


Lady Morgana

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