Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I've been disturbed about how we celebrate the 4 of July!!?

Today ,a t the company that I work for,we had a dinner served to us by the upper management. What disturbed me was that they wore red white and blue sparkle vest, and big floppy Uncle Sam top hats, and ,of all things, a red white and blue feather boa!! All I could think is "Are we celebrating a national holliday with clowns???" To say the least, I lost any and all of my appitite when I saw that! So tell me, what would you have done in my shoes? I left the area very mad but saying nothing. Would you have done the same or would you say or do something??

I've been disturbed about how we celebrate the 4 of July!!?
I do not like any clothing that looks like the flag, I think it is demeaning. My wife wore a white blouse, blue Capri's, and a red scarf. Honoring the colors but not abusing the flag pattern. I hate when they (anyone) belittles our flag, don;t even ask me how I feel about the bast-- ds who burn our flag.
Reply:Just a note, I think in reality most people are against the unflattering use of our flag, regardless of what the results here show. Report It

Reply:Sounds to me like your a flag hugger. Flag huggers are known to have absolutely no sense of humor when it comes to anything about their country, even when it just comes around to jokingly dressing up like Uncle Sam. Some Flag huggers sometimes, hate somebody or dont like somebody else because they're from another race or color. If this describes you, you are most likely a flag hugger. If this does not, you just have NO sense of humor and probably not that many friends. I love the U.S., but im not gonna get mad like a little spoiled kid and storm out a room because theyre joking, dressing extremely patriotic. You lost your appetite?! You sound pretty gay. You sound really gay!
Reply:Get over yourself. The 4th is a day of celebration. You will have to expect people to dress in funny clothes and such, that does not neccessarily mean that they are disrespecting the memory of the 4th. They were simply trying to show their pride in different ways.
Reply:Your too anal dude. Lose some of those hangups. Maybe your defective? Did you consider that in your judgment?
Reply:your username should be allans2anal instead of allan2uall.
Reply:if you are that lame

it was a good thing you


who wants a party pooper

get a life
Reply:Ummm I would lighten up. At my job we have some red, white and blue stuff up but when a couple sick patients die, July 4th is just another day. Be happy for what you have and don't sweat the small stuff.
Reply:I would have ignored there tacky clothing and taken the gesture as it was meant. It sounds to me like they were trying to show there pride and enjoyment in being American.

btw people with today being the fourth lets try and celebrate freedom. Everyone in America deserves to be free even gay people. So leave them alone.
Reply:I would have been grateful for the free food, and happy that my upper management actually acknowledged our holiday.
Reply:I think that you are taking things way too seriously. I would have laughed and had a great time.

If you can't laugh at things like that then you need to reevaluate the way you look at things.

I think I may run out and get my husband an outfit just like the one you described to wear to serve me breakfast in bed tomorrow.
Reply:Its the GAYS!!! THey are taking over!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Reply:I agree it is in poor taste. However, as a gentleman, I would choose not to make a scene of it and I would go on to celebrate July 4 in a manner I consider respectful.
Reply:You're offended by tacky clothing?
Reply:They were just having a little fun. The pictuer you drew for me did makeehem look very foolish, but dont do anything that would put you at risk of you job.

You did the right thing though, especially if you were going to end up saying something to them about it.
Reply:Sorry about how you feel! but it takes all of us for the world to go round. For them it was ok But they were trying to give a festive air to Our up coming holiday. There is nothing wrong with what they did as long as they didn't use the flag as a top hat or feather boa. It was just the colors we all were red, white and blue at sometime. dont take things so hard . You seem to be under a lot of stress.
Reply:What was on the menu? I think you were a little too sensitive and as long as they weren't using the flag as table clothes or shirts or skirts it was just red white and blue articles. I too had a major problem with all the what I perceived fake American pride after 911, and it drove me nuts to see all the crap with our colors on it. Over time it stopped, but I also realized that even though it appears foolish to me, everyone has their own way of showing their nations pride. I hope you hid your anger.
Reply:I don't see what the big deal is... Everywhere you go and see its red, white %26amp; blue around this time of year...It's been like that ever since I can remember.
Reply:I would probably just walked out and chose not to partake in the celebration, probably wouldn't of mentioned it again. I see where you're coming from. I can't see wearing floppy hats and boas... The vests seem cool though.
Reply:I would have handled the situation VERY, VERY, VERY DIFFERENTLY. You are obviously much too easily offended if that disgusted you as much as you say.
Reply:I wore a tank sweater in to work that was red-white-blue stripes and put a matching twisty in my hair in a ponytail, with bright red lipstick.....and I work on an Air Force Base!!

So what? I dress up in a costume for Halloween and wear it to work too. I wear Christmas sweaters, shirts and jewelry to work near the holiday as well. Does this make me look clownish? To some people.....maybe...but you know what? I don't care. I do it because I'm enjoying the holiday and celebrating it and it's fun for me!

I say ignore it....I see things that people wear every day (not just for holidays) that are in bad taste and I ignore should do the same!!
Reply:good point
Reply:I think you are over reacting. If I went to a Canada day party and there were people dressed as maple leafs, I would find it ammusing.
Reply:oh wow, why would i give a rats butt. why are you so sensitive? you must have ulcers if dumb things like that get you mad.
Reply:Wow! Are you SENSITIVE

Remind me not to invite you to any celebrations at my house
Reply:why do you hate America. i would have enjoyed the free eats and would have enjoyed being with friends.
Reply:Sounds like they were just trying to be patriotic. Sometimes upper management tries too hard. I would have enjoyed the free food and ignored the guys looking like idiots!
Reply:The U.S. being a conglomeration of various peoples, has no definite culture. This means that holidays don't "mean" anything, except to the individual, which then mostly translates as: Have fun! Eat/drink a lot!

"Freedom" now means, "I should get what I want."

I wouldn't expect 1 out of 10 people to reflect on the founding principles of this nation, or demonstrate respect to anything above their ego this 4th or any to come.
Reply:Why are you so uptight? Geesh, loosen up and have fun. For someone to get mad over someone dressing to celebrate and having a good time is just a tighta$$. Get a grip and smile a little!!!


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