Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Do i WEIGH too MUCH for my age, height, sizes, and weight?????????????????


im 13, going on 14 in about 20 days...

im 5'2"

i wear a size small or medium in shirts in juniors and some xs.

i wear a size 0 or 1/2 in juniors jeans..

shoe size... 4 or 5 or 6 or 6 1/2 .......

and i weigh 108-114

i would say that im not fat and everyone thinks im anorexic although i believe that im not all that skinny....

well heres the thing.. when school started back, i weighed 96 lb. for about 2 weeks, then i gained, and gained, and now im up to the range i prompted above, i mean ive been jumping on the trampoline ans getting my exercize, but it seems like school is making me gain weight LOL ...

well i kinda eat snacks after school, so maybe that's what is doing it, so can anyone give me some advice in quick losing weight, aspecially in my face, stomach and upper legs?? plz thanks!!!

Do i WEIGH too MUCH for my age, height, sizes, and weight?????????????????
Honey, you are gaining weight because you are maturing and gaining a more womanly body. You are probably gaining a chest and hips.

If you are wearing a size 0 in juniors, you are NOT fat.

Listen to what people are telling you and perhaps talk to a counselor. You may not be anorexic yet, but you sure don't want to become one either.

Reply:I think you're weight gain is completely natural. Don't lose any weight at 13/14 - or you might end up less curvy or smaller height wise !

Wait until you're fully developed and grown before looking to lose weight. And you sound absolutely tiny !
Reply:Well, first off, your not fat, and anorexic people always think they look fat, so I hope your not anorexic, but you sound like your doing just fine weight wise, and crunches and running, are pretty good for weight loss, or muscle gain. Anyway, good luck and don't take any wooden nickels.

you are height and weight is in the normal range. i mean your bmi is between 19.8 and 20.8. very good.

if you feel that you need to lose some for getting in shape. the best way in jogging. and decrease of snack eating.
Reply:you definantly do NOT way too much for your age. Im 14 going on 15 and im 5' and i way the same. but people tell me all the time that i look like i way 90 pounds, muscle ways more than fat so if you are excercising consistantly its certainly not fat that is weighing down on the scale.... its muscle.
Reply:I don't think your fat at all just be healthy that's all that really matters..
Reply:Your body is maturing, there isn't anything wrong with you, and if people were calling you anorexic then why would you want to go back to that?! but if you feel your just getting out of shape then join a sport =] or sign up for a gym membership at the YMCA or something =]
Reply:Sweetie, be healthy.. that's all it takes!

But just incase you want to check it out for yourself, there's a BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator (you can find it online). All you do is put in your age, current weight, and your height.

I am your same height, and I'm currently 135 lbs. and I'm still in a healthy weight. I think your current weight is right on!
Reply:do you don't weigh to much...i'm 13, weigh 90 lb, and is 4'11....which is practly normal...yet my mom accuses me of being fat...=[
Reply:i agree i think your a growing girl, depending on what your snacking on i see nothing wrong with that if your being productive. I know that if you are staying in shape than you should have nothing to worry about, maybe less snacking
Reply:i don't think u need to lose any happy with who u are

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