Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Does he mean it?

So me and this guy are friends and i secretly like him. Yesterday he sat in the front of the classroom watching a movie with this girl.(Hes alwys wrestling with all the girls in the class).So anyways,after the movie he comes back 2 his original seat,which is to the upper right of my desk.he taps my shoes and mouths-i love you. Then he keeps saying it over and over again.Hes always tickling me and my friend lisa all the time,so i take it as one of his all like "yeah right" and" i dont love you". And hes saying that me saying no means the opposite(by no im meaning yes).Well hes saying it still,and im like mayb he really likes me this tme. bt after class he walks out,with no hug or bye. does he like me? what can i do to find out, BESIDES ask him?PLEASE help me;Ive been lifted over this guy for 6 months now,and maybe this is it.

Does he mean it?
I don't mean to be blunt, but he kind of sounds like the kind of guy who likes ALL the girls. I had a thing for a guy just like him, and he ended up being so not worth it.

Maybe your guy is different, though. I have to say, though, with as flirtatious as he is, about the only way you're going to get a straight answer is to ask him. Next time he pulls the whole "I love you" thing, straight out ask him why he doesn't ask you out, then.

I wish you luck. I liked way too many guys like him. They break your heart....
Reply:okay... i have been in that same spot... the guy flirts up and down with you... but he'll leave you with out notice.. watch him very carefully... does he flirt with other girls? or just you? i used to like this one guy and he and i went out.. big mistake.. he only liked girls for big butts and boobs.. just be careful. make sure he likes you for you. and notice how he acts towards other girls.. a lota guy with flirt with other girls but its hard to see... but sometimes he only sees you.. you'll know if hes "right" becuz you can feel it.. not just feeling u want him sooo bad.. but feeling a connection.. u know? good luck.. hope this helps...
Reply:nah hes just a player or a tease jus to arrouse
Reply:don't go for it. he could be mouthing 'elephant shoe' or "i lick poo" or "elephant doo". theres lots of things that look like i love you. if he really really means it, he'll take you aside or say it when nobody except you is listening. trust me... don't go gung ho on it... you'l get your heart broken. Just see what progresses next.
Reply:hmm.. seems liike he does have an interest in you, then again it also seems to me as if he's just a very flirtatious person. Keep an eye on him if he treats you differently than other girls despite the fact that he's a flirt, then I'd say yes he likes you :]
Reply:hes probably a tease, he probably tells other girls he loves them
Reply:I don't think he seriously likes you because I have a friend just like this guy and he is always sarcastic and silly. When he says "I love you", he doesn't REALLY mean he actually loves you, he's playing around or he means he loves you as a friend. However, if your really into finding out, find some friends of his that you trust and ask them to ask him if he likes you.
Reply:i would have to say no

he may be just trying to score

he sound like a jerk. there were guys in my school and this was their game... to see who could hit up the most girls

respect yourself and ignore him
Reply:Maybe he does. or maybe he doesn't and wants to BANG you. or maybe he's just toying with you by mouthing OLIVE JUICE or something like it... Best thing would be is to ask him before he changes his mind.


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