Friday, March 12, 2010

Girls: I'm a little bit on the short side. Will working out make up for my lack of height?

I'm 5'9, almost 5' 10 with shoes on. I have a very athletic build and can build muscle easily. If I were to workout and build alot of upper body muscle and get really cut, does this make up for me not being a taller guy?

Would you rather date a taller, not as muscular guy or an average height guy who is muscular?

Girls: I'm a little bit on the short side. Will working out make up for my lack of height?
I don't think 5'9" is short. I'm 5'4" and there are lots and lots of girls my size and smaller who will see you as tall. Working out is good but do it for yourself.
Reply:You shouldn't date a girl that focuses on your height, she isn't worth it. And 5'9'' to 5'10'' isn't that short.....
Reply:Working out won't make up for being short. It's a good way to go though : )
Reply:Guys who bulk up to compensate for lack of height are sad, sad, sad. They are categorized with the "small penis syndrome" types.

Your personality should be enough.
Reply:no...being a good person makes up for any objectionable thing...and lack of great height only becomes a flaw when guys develope the short man too animated, worry, brag...etc.
Reply:most girls arent as shallow as you think. i woudnt mind if you were 4'11 with green skin as long as you were sweet, and honest.
Reply:you are fine the way you are but i guess if you want to you could
Reply:Av you heard of the WIZARD OF OZ coz you need a brain!!
Reply:well to me, height doesn't matter. but yeah i would rather date an average guy who's muscular than a tall guy whos not.
Reply:in my opinion you're really not that short, considering other guys i know. ; ) some girls like short guys!
Reply:5'9 isnt that short.

i think really huge muscles on a guy is gross.....soo that gonna be a no for me.

idk, depends.
Reply:ur not short. Im 5"4 and im probly not getting any taller. Id rather ....... well idk it really dosnt matter to me. Iv dated shorter guys no problem. Muscle is always hot but its not that important. Theres this kid in my grade hes like 4 something everybody still thinks he is soooooooooooo sexy ..... dont worry bout it, you sound hot to me.
Reply:haha no. Its one thing to be short, but another thing to be really muscular and short. It won't look proportionate. So my advice is don't! Just drink your milk and eat your vegitables =)

Yellow Teeth

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