Friday, March 12, 2010

With the weather getting warmer, has anyone ventured outside their house barefoot yet? Where did u go & do?

Here it's in the upper 60s and really wet. Fun time to play in puddles without any shoes on!

With the weather getting warmer, has anyone ventured outside their house barefoot yet? Where did u go %26amp; do?
No I hate being barefoot, I'll go out in flip flops though, it's been in the 80s here, I hate summer, I'm ready for winter again!
Reply:yes...and thanks for the reminder :D ...a couple weeks ago it was in the 70's-Clinton, LA...and my hubby is a boy scout ranger so we live on camp...I took our five year old daughter to the lake/swim area. We walked through the sand and the edges of the 40 acre's sandy as well...AND then we walked thru the clovers when my three yr old son got back home...beautiful days lately here!!! :)
Reply:whenever i go outside to take out the dog or check the mail i walk around barefoot.... even if its cold... lol
Reply:i do it year round
Reply:yea, im currently at the house in S. Florida and its like 85 degrees here, so everyday Ive been at the beach barefoot (for the past week)
Reply:lol.over here where i live is freaking raining and i mean hard.were in some kind of tornado watch or something.
Reply:Why wait for the warm weather? Being barefoot it great in all weathers and healthy! I have avoided shoes wherever possible at all times for the last few years and my feet are so much healthier (no horrid fungii etc) and happier, as is the rest of me. I haven't even had a cold in all that time. I agree splashing around in puddles is much more fun without shoes.
Reply:YES, I HAVE, AND I LOVED IT!!!! I sit around all winter just waiting for the very next warm day, and when it hits, I am out there in my bare feet for all to see. I thoroughly enjoyed getting my toes tickled by the grass for the first time in months.
Reply:Are you kidding? It is freezing out there.
Reply:I walk around my house barefoot always. But, ever since I stepped on dog doo barefoot--TALK ABOUT REALLY GROSS. I wear flip flops outside.
Reply:I live in Houston - it is warm here most of the time - it has been in high 70'2 and 80's.

I stepped on a broken coke bottle when I was younger therefore I rarely go anywhere with out a flip flop on or something on my foot.
Reply:I go barefoot year-round. It's not dangerous, unhealthy or gross; feet get very tough very quickly (in eleven years, I get a tiny splinter maybe once a year, I've never had a cut), our skin is made to keep pathogens out, and feet are fully washable.

Even dog poo washes off easily; it's nasty to step in wearing shoes too, with the added problem that you may not notice until you've walked in somewhere and tracked it all over the place. I've had that happen, and I tell you, while I much prefer to avoid it altogether, I'd much rather wash it off my foot only than wash it off my shoe, the door mat, *and* the carpet... (or the pedals %26amp; floor mat of the car, that happened to a friend of mine who stepped in it wearing shoes %26amp; we discovered it halfway through the drive).
Reply:Yes and to the most common place you could have been. The beach
Reply:Yes I have. I went down my sidewalk.
Reply:Take the garbage out. Or at my daughters soccer practice I'll take my shoes off in the grass.
Reply:i always have shoes on because its nasty 2 walk on the dirty ground especially if u a girl n plus glass can b on the ground u will no when a snake bite yo big toe
Reply:that's so cool, here is still kinda of cold but is getting warmer

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