Saturday, October 24, 2009

Additional advice from serious runners about my first 1/2 marathon?

I am running my first 1/2 marathon at the beginning of November (in Taiwan). TRAINING SO FAR: For the past 5 weeks I have been training for the 1/2 marathon (5 days a week...Runners World prgm). I still lift weights 5 days a week (only upper body). Ok? I started marathon training at the end of August so it will be about 9 weeks of marathon specific training (before that I lifted weights 5 days a week and jogged for cardio exercise 3 days a week). LIFE STYLE CHANGES: I have sucessfully given up little things like drinking beer, soda, and eating sweets. I've been stretching a lot, drinking lots of water, and taking ibprofen. QUESTIONS: I have an okay pair of running shoes that are getting a bit warn (soles and the begins of a tear in the side of my shoe). They will probably be okay until the marathon but not much longer. Is it too late to consider a new pair? Also, what other advice can serious runners give me so I will be as physically and mentally prepared as possible for the big day?

Additional advice from serious runners about my first 1/2 marathon?
Yes, there's still time to pick up a new pair of shoes. So long as you've got a week or two to train in them before race day, you should be fine. If you like the shoes you have now, and if they're still on the market, you could try just picking up a new pair of the same shoe you currently use. If you've found a good fit, stick with it.

If you're following a good training program, you'll no doubt be in good physical shape for your race. Here are a few things, though, that I try to do leading up to a race. 1) If you're traveling to the race, arrive as early as possible to give yourself plenty of time to relax. 2) Sip water or fruit juices regularly during the day or two prior to the race to stay well hydrated. 3) Take a couple days off from training before the race to ensure your legs are fresh. 4) It's not unusual to have trouble sleeping before a race....don't worry about it. Remember that the amount of sleep you get two and three days before the race is more important than what you get the night before.

As for mental preparation, some people will tell you to tune out and focus on something else while you run. Personally, I feel the opposite approach is better. Stay focused internally .... form, breathing, pace, etc .... and ignore the crowds and other runners in order to run your best race. It always helps me to find a short motivational phrase, just a few words, that I can focus on at low points.

Good Luck!
Reply:YES to the new shoes today. As far as your training schedule, you don't give any specifics about your mileage, so how's anyone to give you advice?
Reply:Definitely go ahead and get some new shoes. They will make a world of difference and keep you from getting injured. As far as the race goes, your adrelanine will kick in at the start, so just be sure to keep your pace and not worry about everyone around you. Be sure you wear comfortable clothing (might want to put bandaids over your nipples). Eat a good meal the night before, but nothing heavy and get a good night's rest.

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