Saturday, October 24, 2009

How do I get physically fit, and look it [[details]]?

I'm tall and skinny.

5'8 and 127ish pounds =[

I know I'm NOT fat. But I do have fat that covers my stomach and almost no arm muscle lol. I can almost fit my whole hand around my arm... there's like an inch and a half of space. = |

So I want to lift weights. Is there anyone else who was in my shoes before? Are there any upper body exercises I can do without weights?

How do I get physically fit, and look it [[details]]?
I just started to lift weights also

I suggest you do push ups, sit ups, pull ups if you don't have any weight

or if you want to do something for biceps, you could get 12-20 pound dumbells and do bicep curls.

Those would give you great results without having to go to the gym.
Reply:that's a good weight

i can fit my entire hand around my wrist and i'm fat.

i don't life weights. i already have too much muscle in my arm for a 12 year old. i do this dip thing and my partner says my arms are as hard as rocks.

do push-ups and crutches even.

hop i helped=]
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Hi, It's all about having a healthy life style. Don't believe peoples who say you can get fit quick by doing this or lose weight fast by eating that. For me, I try to run once or twice a week and maybe a session in the swimming pool. I ensure that I do at lease two sessions of cardio a week. you also need to watch your diet as this plays a huge part. Weight training is also important to tone up. Remember, if you want to add muscle bulk then lift heavy and increase you calorie intake. If you just want to tone then lift light and more 'reps'. Do not starve yourself as this will NOT make you lose any weight or add muscle. I also perform Callanetics exercises once to twice a week which really helps you tone up.

Hope this helps!


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