Saturday, October 24, 2009

After my third week jogging, is it normal for my legs and back to feel stressed?

I started jogging (at my own pace) 2 weeks ago. I feel a strain mainly on my knees and my upper back. I noticed my socks were moving as I walked/jogged. When I got home my feet felt as though I had worn tight shoes to work. Maybe I am jogging wrong? I also stretch before, during and after my jog. What kind of stretching should I be doing? Sorry so many questions! Please help!

After my third week jogging, is it normal for my legs and back to feel stressed?
I see a ton of running related injuries in my line of work. The biggest problem is overuse. You shouldn't be running everyday, especially if you're new to the sport. Mix up your cardio work-out. Also, your shoes will make a world of difference, have your arch measured and buy a quality shoe that fits your foot. You'll be surprised how much stress and pain that will go away. As far as stretching, concentrate on shins, calves, hamstrings and quadriceps. But try to do a light warm-up exercise before you stretch, you'll find that your muscles will loosen up more when you've used them a bit. Good luck!
Reply:I also started jogging for about four months. I guess I wasn't doing it properly because I ended up getting swollen ankles and legs with a really sore back, and couldn't walk for days. I was crying in pain and living on painkillers. :( I'm no expert, but I do recommend that you do get expert advice especially if you're just new to it.

But for me, yes, after a few weeks, my legs and back were feeling strained.
Reply:Go to a real runners store and get fitted for the right shoe...can make a huge difference. I have had a variety of shin/ankle/foot issues running over the years but no back or knee's hard to describe the stretches you should be doing...I do very light stretching before I run...gilrs need more stretching I have read...pick up a runners mag or book, there will be pics in them. Good luck
Reply:Congrats on the exercise program! Anyway, the right shoes are crucial, you need some with great support and shoe store can help you find the right ones, that should cut down on some of the knee and back pain. If not, it depends on the exercise itself, if you are running a lot cut back to about two or three times a week. Too much can cause the muscle aches as well if you are not taking enough time to rest the muscles in between workouts. Do some calf and hamstring stretches and alway the achilles tendon in foot. ALso stretch the back, if still hurts, take two tylenol twenty mins before run! GOOD LUCK!!!!

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