Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why is it illegal to beat up a hybrid car driver?

can there be a more stuck up, self serving, egotystical person on the road. with i hate suv, and anti war or bush bumper stickers and some cute vanity plate claiming there gas mileage. these people pis me off!!! congrats you bought a sardine can that will cost you thousands in up keep due to your baterey cells and if you get hit by my SUV it will smear you into a spot on the highway at any speed! ok you LOVE the enviroment and you fill up once a month your choice thats is fine but shut the "f" up about it. maybe i am married with a family and we can not fit into a shoe sized car that goes 40 on the highway!!!

ok so why cant we slap them around just a little!! i mean no serious injuries just a quick knee to the chest or a good upper cut. Oh and dont look at me and smeark while im filling up 40 gallons and your putting in your 4!!!

ok sorry they just really piss me off!!!

Why is it illegal to beat up a hybrid car driver?
I didn't think it was... it's actually encouraged here in Texas... you must be in California...
Reply: Report It

Reply:My SUV is bigger and better and more expensive than your SUV.

SO there!
Reply:Create your own bumpersticker telling them off.

While they're demonstrating their rights to free speech, you can do the same in return.
Reply:It's illegal to beat up anyone, stupid. At least they're doing something for the environment! I can't wait until there is no planet left and all the stupid idiots in denial about global warming are like, 'whoops!'.
Reply:You piss me off. Can I smack you around a little?
Reply:nope...go for it
Reply:sounds like a good idea to me.
Reply:LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it when people rant. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Do it again!
Reply:I find Volvo drivers are just the same.

"I drive the safest car in the world, so I'm going to drive like I am giving myself a rectal exam from where I stand"
Reply:For the same reason it would be anyone else.
Reply:One reason I think they seem to have an attitude like you describe, is YOUR attitude.

Personally, I don't have a hybrid yet, but my next car will certainly be one. I grew up in a large family, and somehow or other we managed to get by with a basic 4-door sedan and didn't actually need a 3-ton steel tank to shuttle us around town. Whenever I see one of these 11 mpg soccer-moms pull into a gas station to shell out $75., I shake my head in dismay and sympathy.

I also don't choose a car with 'surviving collisions' as my main reason. I actually feel that avoiding a crash is better than riding in a tank to survive a crash.

As for highway driving, you apparently haven't been paying attention. Your basic hybrid sedan can now cruise at about 70 mph, and can do so for over 500 miles on a single tank of gas.

Do they brag and gloat? Maybe they do, but it's people like you who talk about smearing them into a spot on the highway and who can't seem to conceive of an alternative to their fuel-guzzling houses on wheels that motivates them.
Reply:Perhaps you should stop reproducing. I'm tired of married people with 2, 3, 4, 5 kids complaining about how they can't afford gas for the guzzlers, food for their litter of children, electricity, clothes, entertainment, etc. This is what happens when you over-reproduce.

I will admit, however, that I feel this way about people with "Support the Troops" ribbons on their giant SUVs. I'd really like to slap some reason into them. If you want to support the troops, ride your bicycle or drive an economical car. The war is about oil and money and power, just like your SUV, which helps create the problem, not solve it.
Reply:i'm sorry that you're pissed off cause you can't afford to do your part in the up keep of our's not anyone elses fault...i drive a hybrid and i invite you to slap me around and prepare yourself to have your face smacked off...don't be jealous about the gas mileage either you wanna drive around in a big asss suv are you conserving ANY many people do you give rides too??? i bet you ride in that big asss bus all by yourself huh?? cause you're an asss hole and have no friends and care nothing about this earth which by the way is the ONLY ONE we have...
Reply:I hope you don't really have a family. Judging by the 70 spelling errors in two whopping paragraphs of text, I'd say you're intellect is not up to the task of raising children (or entering a debate about alternative fuel sources.)
Reply:don't be mad at them be mad at the ones who control the prices after all who cares is the american way. and suck this is there answer.
Reply:Just because some people actually are trying to save the environment from gas guzzling tanks that deplete resources and pollute the earth doesn't mean you have to get all defensive.
Reply:It's illegal to beat up a hybrid car driver for the same reason it's illegal to beat up an SUV driver.
Reply:It helps the sake of mental sanity of other drivers, who will not patience on those sufocating hybrids. According to law someone is permitted to be rude to others but must not show privileges of conduct before affected drivers. It is too illegal to beat up a hybrid car driver, for undemeanor and felony causes, such as abuse and no suport from a driver to other.


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