Sunday, October 11, 2009

If u where in my shoes what would u do??

Hi all i'm 39yr old, gulfwar vet.and ex goverment employee.. and now retired do to gulfwar illness(medical). My problem is i'm going through a divorce and have a 50/50 chance of losing 1/2 of my pay,do to alimony and child support my pay is in the 40 grand range now i need to know should i give up my med. retirment to go back to work or try to make it on a 20 grand salary..i have child support to pay which will end in less then 5 years..which sould give me about 28 grand a yr to live off of after child support ends..i know u are asking why do i have to pay so much.. well she(my wife) refuse to work and says she is to old to work shes in her upper 40s..been married for almost 20 yrs and yes she did work at 1 time.. what should i do work or stick with my retirement..(if i give up my med retirement i might get it back if i get sicker...

If u where in my shoes what would u do??
Go to court. If your wife is healthy and able to work you have a good chance of getting the amount you pay significantly lowered. These are different times. As a matter of fact my ex and I have joint custody but I pay him. Because I am capable to work. Even when I wasn't currently employed.
Reply:You need to get an attorney,In the State of Georgia,if the spouse worked at any time during the marriage,the other spouse does not have to pay alimony.Good luck,and Thanks for what you,and all the soldiers have done to ensure our freedom here.God Bless you All!!
Reply:No, But, maybe check if you are allowed to work so many hours a week, without it affecting your med. retirement????

Most people can manage to live on $28,000.00 a year.
Reply:I agree, find a lawyer and go to court. You could have the payments lowered. Or find her a new husband and they will stop all together. It's not fair of her to expect you to go back to work after suffering some type of illness. Maybe she would understand? But for sure, stand your ground. Don't let her push into doing something that could hurt your health even more.


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