Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm worried about my girl!?

So me and my girl went for a drive the other night.We ended up going to and open field and just laying in the grass.Well all of a sudden she started crying for no reason.When I asked her what was wrong she said nothing then tried to kiss me.Me being a guy I just went with it haha.But when I stopped kissing her I noticed she had a big bruise on her arm.I ask how she got it she said it was nothing.Well when I helped her up i saw another one on her upper leg.I asked again and once again she said it was nothing.She bent down to pick up her shoes off the ground and when her shirt came up she I saw another one on her back.And she said it was nothin again.I took her home and made sure she was ok she said she was fine and went inside.I called her later that night and when she pick up she was crying and i heard her dad yelling and cussing at her in the background.She said she had to go that she would see me tomorrow at school.I think her dad hits her..what do you think?what should I do?

I'm worried about my girl!?
Yes her daddy is most definitely hitting her. You need to get her to report it to someone or if she won't then you need to. I know that she might get mad at you for it but I am sure that she will not stay mad about it. I mean if either one of you told anyone about that then it could very possibly save her life. Who knows if he hits her hard enough to leave bruises on her just imagine he could get really really pissed one day and he might go to far and kill her. If ya'll don't want to tell anyone about it right now, maybe you could talk to your parents and see if she couldn't come and live with ya'll for a bit. I mean not saying that just cuz ya'll should live together but anything to save her life would be worth it I think. I mean obviously you both sound mature so just explain to your parents that nothing would go on, but you want her to be safe because you love her and that you are just looking out for her safety and that is the number one most important thing for you right now. Who knows they may let her come and live there or they could even find a better solution like getting her into the care of like children's services or something like that. I hope that this helped and I hope that everything is going to be ok with your girlfriend. I am very sorry tell her that she really needs to find a way to get away from that before something really bad and unthinkable happens to her.
Reply:I really believe this young woman is in an abusive home environment. If you are still in school go talk to your school counselor, social worker, nurse etc. By law they must investigate it and you can remain anonymous. Get her help, she is in a hard predicament, she cant help herself but if you care about her you can. Good luck.
Reply:I think the first step would be to support her and comfort her as much as you can until shes at the point where she trusts you and is comfortable enough to confide in you, what is obviously wrong. As soon as she tells you, then you can really try and help her...By that, I mean report her dad etc.
Reply:Don't confront her let her trust you enough to talk about it, then once she has opened up to you ask her to go with you to a counselour a police officer a priest a teacher anything to get her out of that enviorment...take things slow don't rush her or force her otherwise you'll scare her away.
Reply:oh no, this is a terrible situation. i think you really need to get her to talk to you. and if she won't talk, then you should try and tell someone who might be able to get involved. your girlfriend needs serious help. she's suffering, and you might be the only person at this point who knows and can do something about it.
Reply:oooohhh...for me you got to ask how and why..if you see more than 2 bruises.. it is really something... just let her know that you dont believe it is nothing and something should be done.... but if she still dont want to talk..its ok..dont force her.. let her come to you.. but at least she knows you care..
Reply:get her help! something is obviously wrong here. go to the guidance office and talk to one of the counselors! they'll help her, and they won't tell her it was you if you don't want them to. trust me, she'll thank you later.

don't you dare leave her in this situation!
Reply:It sound's like it could be, you should talk to her but not force her to tell you. If she refuses to tell you or ignores it, say politely that no matter what is going on she can always tell you anything, no matter the circumstances : )
Reply:u need to convince her to report that. her dad is obviously the one hitting her if thats who she lives with and he sounds that angry. u have to help her, before it gets worse.
Reply:I would call the law
Reply:first i wuondnt pressure her to talk about it. she might really want to be away from you but if she need you she will let you know. its a hard thing to answer
Reply:either tell her she needs to report him.. or do it yourself at school... and they will take care of it
Reply:Your a good guy for trying to help her.

I think you should talk to any adult you can trust that she would trust as well.Just as a warning she might be mad at you at first for this, but if you really care you should still do it.Tell this person what is going on.It is also important to tell your girlfriend how much you love her and care about her and her safety.I really hope everything works out for you guys.

performing arts

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