Sunday, October 11, 2009

Keep jogging?

I started a run/walk program. I warmed up, stretched and started the 1st step of the program then stretched some more.

The next day my upper legs hurt pretty good. Not to the point where something was seriously wrong. I think more due to the fact that I haven't jogged for so long.

Should I keep doing the every other day routine and just back off on the distance and time? Or should I just take a week off and get back at it when the soreness alleviates some?

My warmup and stretch's aren't wrong I know that for sure. Thats something I made sure I was doing right before I started jogging. Shoes are good had someone at a running store help me out with that. I'm also running on a track so it's not the best but better then running on the street I would think.

Keep jogging?
Keep on running... Do the warm ups before running but remember to do the warming down... I started while ago as well, I think the warming down does the trick! I stretch and then walk for 5 or 10 minutes, and I'm not sore the next day.
Reply:You hurt because your body said - "what are you doing to me?" Follow your program.

Don't worry about your speed until you race or do interval training. You are doing everything right - seeing a running store stretching - running on a track just get very boring after a while. During the winter months this is probably the best bet, but if you have a trail near by use that at least once a week.
Reply:ur muscles are not used to it. Same for me when I just started to jog agian. They ache for 1-3 days and there fine after.
Reply:I agree with Erne.

I take a good 20 minutes to warm/cool down, with long stretching lopes, walking backwards and marching. I am sure I make a lot of people smile when I march! ;)

As a relatively new runner, for me this is what has kept me limber.

Of the times I was sore when starting out, I would just do a longer warming up, which for me is walking with long lopes and elaborately swinging my arms.
Reply:i say there's really no need to run unless being chased..
Reply:You should only do a little and get more and more when you do it more often. SOmetimes, when your body isn't used to doing something it needs time to adjust.


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