Sunday, October 11, 2009

Getting ready for next season?

Im a 15 year old 6'3 145 lb Center.( anyone thats shocked, 6'3 is tall in my area). I mostly dont stand a chance underneath

with the 6'6 250 lb guys. If i try to do anything, i get bumped into the next area code. So i have got used to using finesse moves in the post, but i am wanting to get ready for next year. I don't play varsity,. so thats a goal. The varsity coach said my body isnt mature enough and filled out. So im going to try to put on some lbs, and learn how to play strong in the post. I just started doing upper body curl bar lifts today, does anyone have any ideas that will help me.


I also would like to know from experience or firsthand knowledge if there is any legit vertical jump shoes or workouts.

Getting ready for next season?
the guy on top of me is right
Reply:First of all, don't rush to get bigger and stronger. Lifting weights to early could slow your growth or stunt your growth slightly. If you are 6-3 T your age, it would not shock me to see you at 6-8 to 6-10 when you are done growing. A doctor could give you pretty good estimates, particularly if they had an x-ray of your leg joints. What you need to do is work on your overall athletic ability and general basketball skill. You can gain a lot from normal jump drills. Yes. jump soles are effective if you use them as a part of a training program. You need to work, the shoes are not a complete solution by themselves. Agility drills are wonderful. Things like, line jumps (front to back and side to side), resistance training is a great tool if you have access. For b-ball skills to work on, start with Mikan drills (this is the best exercise for people who operate in the paint), ball handling, and shooting technique. Shoot 1000 shots a day and mimic game situations!!!! It does no good to stand still and take a shot or walk around and take shots. That will never happen in a game! Work on catching the ball, setting your feet and shooting. Fake one dribble and shoot. If you miss, follow up with a layup. 100 free throws are a must each day as well. Lastly, play with older more talented more physical people as much as possible. You will learn from them. If you have not heard this before, learn the saying. Learn from your mistakes! Analyze why it was you were not able to be effective against a certain type of player and work on the weakness.

Your key muscles in basketball are legs and forearms. Trust me on this, if you do the things above, your muscles will take care of themselves. There is plenty of time for lifting when your body develops to a point you can handle it. Also, there are a million websites that have basketball drills that work on specific things, use them.
Reply:To gain weight, you can either be fat or muscular. I assume you want to be muscular, so you'll have to eat lots of protein and work it into muscle. Try focusing on your legs and your core. To increase your vertical, doing plyometrics may be the most effective way. By jumping immediately after you land from a jump, and repeating a lot of times, your vertical will improve.
Reply:Try a lot of running and gym work outs. Play a lot of three ... dotn play low post now but develop your shooting in the perimeter, low if now your option as this only good for big bulky players... concentrate on basic basketball skills like dribble and shooting , both perimeter and free throw.... Low post play can come easy if you have the basics....


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