Sunday, October 11, 2009

How can I get in shape using low cost equipment?

Well, I'm 6'4" and 249 lbs. and have a BMI of 30.3. In that case, I'm just in the extremely low part of obese. I haven't got alot of money to work with here, let alone a car, so a gym membership is out of the question. What I have right now is some new shoes that I recently purchased, they're Jordan S.U. Trainers, I thought they would be good for running, and I have a bench press, however I can't bench very much... (only about 85 lbs.) I really want to get in shape, or at least get my BMI lower since Heart attacks run in my family. Any advice on endurance Building exercises, upper body exercises or good cardio exercises would be appreciated. Also, I'd like an exercise where I could get rid of my manboobs and gut... Thanks in advance!

How can I get in shape using low cost equipment?
Don't need to go gym to get fit and healthy and lose weight......

Start your own exercise program right at your own home.

You've a pair of new shoes, a bench press....Whoa! That's pretty good already to start you off.

For endurance building exercise, cardio is the best because it exercises your heart and lungs, to keep them strong and healthy and pump blood more efficiently.

You need to train continuously for at least 30 mins per session, so that builds up your endurance level.

Running, biking, jogging, swimming are good examples of endurance exercises.

For geeting rid off your "manboobs" and gut, it's still cardio because it really cranks up your metabolism so you've higher fat-burning capacity, to burn off excess body fat from your entire body (that includes fat stored in your gut and "manboobs").

Do the cardio exercise 3-4 times per week for at least 30 mins per session. When you're stronger, increase the frequency to 4-5 times per week for 45 mins per session and then gradually to 60 mins per session but keep to 4-5 times per week. This is good training for endurance and for burning off excess body fat!

You might be interested to know more about cardio; this article might be of help to you:

For your bench press -continue on doing it as it's good strength-training exercise.
Reply:exsercise alot
Reply:Walk everywhere! Take the stairs. Generally increase your activity. Dont worry about not lifting much. You should be doing lots of reps on lighter weights to lose weight. Diet of course. Low calorie foods put keep eating protein, not too much though. You will need to repair and build muscle through exercising but too much protein will turn to fat. About 1gram per kilo body weight. I will let you convert that to ibs. Exercise your entire body, mix your exercises to keep interested and it helps maximise your work out.


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