Sunday, October 11, 2009

I think the daycare hurt my daughter! What should I do?

Okay, so on Friday when I got my daughter home from daycare I noticed that she had wounds all around her ankles (it looked like the upper layers of skin had been rubbed off from something wrapped around her ankles tighltly) I know that it wasn't from her shoes because she was wearing clogs that day. She told me many times this weekend that her teacher held her legs down because she wouldn't go into time out... I know that kids fib a lot (she's four)... but with her consistancy on the story I am very worried... Does anyone know what actions I would need to take to get a lawyer? I'm a single mom with not alot of money... But I don't want to this go, and I want the other parents to come forward if anything like this has happened to their children... Please Help! I don't know what to do!

I think the daycare hurt my daughter! What should I do?
take pictures of her ankles and go to police or child protective services and report it
Reply:I use to work in daycare for many years and I would suggest talking to the daycare providers and find out if they know anything. Majority of daycares have a policy where if your child is injured they go home with a boo-boo report. Unless of course it is something serious. Either something did happen with the teacher or a another child hurt her and the teacher might have no seen when it happened. If you are not satisfied after taking to the teacher I would look for new childcare and call your local state daycare licensing board.
Reply:You should definitely question the day care about whether or not they know what happened. Maybe talk to other parents and their kids to see if their kids are getting hurt. Whatever they say though, you should probably move your daughter to another day care.

You should also talk to the police or the child day care board (I know there is one).
Reply:you first off need to have this documented from her doctor, inform them off the situation and it is the doctors responsibility by law to report the incident to the proper authorities.

Don't let this go!!!! you could be saving another child's life,emotional damages,and neglect. PLEASE REPORT IT NOW!!

From a childcare provider in Missouri,
Reply:Hi, I dont think that you should get police and all involve as yet, the best thing is to do is take pictures 1st then you ask the day care whats going on with the issue then listen and you will know what to do next because it might just be some misunderstanding and you dont want to create a scene before asking so just ask then you can take action
Reply:before u do anything why dont u go in to ur daughters day care and ask the teacher herself. maybe her take on the whole situation will be more 'adult' and sound more sensible. if she hesitates then u know somethings wrong.
Reply:if shes telling you this over and over shes probably not lieing but before jump the gun and get a lawyer i would talk to the head of the day care dont take her back
Reply:I use to be a preschool director and am a mom so I feel this both coming and going! It is law that when you work in a child care you must report any child abuse. You do not have to prove this abuse just report it. I would go and see my childs Doctor...(they are required to report any suspected abuse as well) When I was a director I always encouraged my parents to establish a relationship with their childs teacher. If a parent has done this then they should feel free to speak to the teacher about anything with the child and his/her care. After speaking to the teacher then go directly to the director and see that this situation is documented! Always go with your gut,your feelings you know more about your child than all the professionals out are the mom! Also check this day care out with the Dept. of Children and Family (many places call them different names but this is where your child care center is most likely licenced. See if there have been inspections and if the day care is in compliance with the rules and regulations in your state) The point is parents have more power than the realize when it comes to the care of your child. A doctor's report will show that you are concerned about your child and take this very seriously! A laywer is not the first step...the help you recieve from the person your child was with....then the director....then the doctor. This is a nightmare but this can be handeled in a way that puts your child first and you can utilize the help that is already in place for you. Good luck! If I can be of more help please e-mail me at
Reply:Take her to a doctor and describe what happened, and get a picture of the injury. If a doctor believes that a child has been abused, the doctor is required to report the incident. The doctor will report what you said happened.

Write down word for word everything that your daughter says about what happened, with the date and time that she said it. I know how challenging it can be to get good information from a child this age.

It will not cost you anything to report this incident to your local family services department that licenses daycares. They can do the investigating. After that investigation is complete, you could hire an attorney to use that information to support a lawsuit, if you feel that it is appropriate.

You should not allow this to deter you from reporting what may be abuse at a daycare, because other children could be at risk. However, be warned that investigators must consider all possibilities. The daycare will insist that the injury did not happen there, and the family home is one of the obvious places to look.

Also, it does not cost anything for an initial consultation with an attorney. They can tell you if you have a good case, and if you have a good case, then some attorneys will take a case on "contingency", which means that if you win, they take part of the proceeds.

I'm sorry that this happened. Good luck!!!
Reply:I would call the board who ever certifies the day care. I live in MD so I would get in contact with the MD govt. Try and get in contact with your govt or maybe a local representive for your district explain to them the situation and they should be able to guide you as what to do. I would also take my daughter into her peditrician to have it looked, that way it is in your daughters medical records that you feel she was abused at daycare.

your childs life is precious and the appropriate action needs to be taken any time you feel that something was wrong you can not let that go. Follow your instincts and do what is right. You will not only be pretecting your child but you will be helping it from happening to others.
Reply:My mother has worked at a daycare center my whole life and i have worked at one since i was 15. I would not let it go. I would get with the director of the center as well as your child's teachers. usually when something goes on in a center like that the child is right. just because she is 4 does not mean she is a liar. I have seen many things with teachers in child care centers. They choose fav. or out the child and the one they think are trouble makers they treat horrible.. Def. don't ignore the situation. take action asap.
Reply:How scary. I too am a single parent of a little girl who attends daycare full time. I would definately speak to the director or the facility first. I would ask that it be in private to prevent further possible harm from the teacher.

I wonder if this is someone that she is in contact with every day.

I would go onto your local government website and see if they have a number for EEC and see if there have been other reports/complaints on this teacher.... if she even has a license to work in the day care.

Once you have discussed the situation with the DCP, see where you stand. They might fire her immediately. Might not. I would also look into changing DCP's, if they let this happen once - whose to say other teachers dont do it as well and how close are they watching their teachers???

I wouldnt feel comfortable keeping my kid there, even if they resolve the issue. I know my daycare makes me sign a form - even when my daughter scratches herself.

Kids fib, but how often do they fib about abuse?

As far as a lawyer goes.... you should be able to get one for free, I would call around and explain your situation. But like other ppl said, take pictures. Date them too.

skin lesions

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