Sunday, October 11, 2009

Quadricep strain? groin pull?

I had been trail jogging 30 minutes about 5 days a week for 3 months. Prior to jogging I did a lot of walking. I have specific trail running shoes. 2 weeks ago I jogged my normal route and then did some stretches. As I was walking home I noticed an ache in my upper thigh and got home and stretched some more. By bedtime my leg couldn't hold any weight. I have been using ice, warm baths, compression bandage. I have gone for the odd short walk. I am still walking with a limp and the pain has moved to my outer thigh. So my questions are how long can this ache go on for?, what did I do? (I have no swelling or bruising)?, when I am able to jog again will I be back at square 1?, is my limp causing new pain?, could someone give some encouragement? Thanks

Quadricep strain? groin pull?
Since you are not sure how this happened it is difficult to give you much information.

However skip the warm and use ice.

Stretch gently do not over stretch the muscles.

If you are limping then you may damage other parts of your body, which may account for the pain moving to a different location.

The pain can go on for a couple of weeks, probably about 2 weeks.

You will not be back to square one even if you can't run for 2 weeks.

Try doing some other cardiovascular work like bike or swim.

The compression wrap, warming up and stretching before and stretching after is a good idea. Use ice in the evening for about 10 to 15 minutes 2 or 3 times.

Massage will help.
Reply:This question sounds like it came from "Dumb %26amp; Dumber". Get to a doctor, preferably a sports medicine physician and find out what's wrong - MORE IMPORTANT - find out how to get your leg back.

About your last 3 question marks - yes, yes, yes

Good Luck


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